Full Time Hustle

Ep 17: 4 Totally Free Ways to Market Your Business



SEO -in pictures, in the copy on your website and blog- in blogging consistently Luke + Ashley did a great video and blog post on this! Google.  Oh man, this has opened up our world!  When you have a presence on Google Business, it really helps people find you.   Listen to the episode for a more in depth description of what we're talking about. FB/instagram/LinkedIn/Pinterest/Email List - wherever you have or can build a following, use it! It varies by industry, for sure. It's tough to be real on social media, but it's also a huge opportunity to share things- the more real you are, and the less salesy and perfect, the better the algorithm works in your favor-- even when the algorithm changes. Don't plan your marketing around the algorithm-- the BIGGEST thing is to connect with people Make friends IRL and do things with them. It's not a trick or a shortcut-- and you certainly shouldn't expect your friends to always only buy from you. In our experience, building true friendships outside of o