Full Time Hustle

Ep 19: Creating Your Elevator Pitch



Definition: a succinct and persuasive sales pitch. Why do you need one? It's important to be able to quickly communicate what you do. It can spark interest, and set groundwork for a conversation. What's the point? At the end, you want the other person to grasp the idea of what you do. Even if you don't fully explain it, that's okay. But if you say, "It's complicated" or "I work with numbers" it doesn't really help people understand. Cater it to different people- if I'm talking with a potential bride, I'll gear it towards wedding photography. If I'm talking with business owners, I'll gear it towards either commercial photography or this podcast. Listen to people's responses, and use that to adjust your elevator pitch over time. Make sure to also show interest in the other person and what they do! Following up with a question is more memorable than anything else. Susan's: I'm a photographer. I work with weddings, families, and business clients. We also do videography. Josh's: I produce cinemat