Full Time Hustle

Ep 20: 5 Building Blocks for Business



Disclaimer, this is NOT an all encompassing list. But it is a great guideline to make sure you aren't skipping over big things when it comes to running your business. Creatives especially like to skip over most of these or halfway do them, and that's not okay at all! 1) Vision- have a game plan for what you're doing, WHY you're doing it, and where you want to be in 5-10 years. Andy Stanley's book Visioneering 2) Legal stuff + taxes- be organized, plan ahead and don't be scared of these things. They're coming for your regardless- and it's cheaper if you just face it head on. It's part of running a business- don't forget sales tax! You need to understand the sales tax laws in your state, and states you're selling to. 3) Basics for product, customer service, and delivery - this needs to be a well oiled machine-- not a guessing game every time you get a client. Write out a workflow- decide what your core values are. 4) Payment/Contracts- might be already supplied, depending on your type of business. We u