Full Time Hustle

Ep 26: How To Be An Influencer, Even If You Have A Small Tribe



"You begin to recognize that you have a tribe when you start to say things and people start to respond"   Malcolm Gladwell really started to use the word tribe in this way.   This podcast is for you if: -you want to be an influencer, but think you can't because you don't have 10k+ followers -you do influence a small group of people -you want to know how to be an influencer with those people you already have 1.) Be a person of integrity.  Carry yourself well, speak highly of others, and lead well in your small role. 2.) Know what's going on in the world around you, and be ready to respond in a proactive way. 7 Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen Covey 3.) Engage on new platforms. 4.) Be vulnerable. 5.) Keep going. Don't think you've arrived. The second you do that, you're immediately ireelevant. 6.) Appreciate your tribe. Never take your following or your tribe for granted. Andy Stanley says "Leadership is a Stewardship. It is temporary, and you're accountable."