Full Time Hustle

Ep 18: 5 Things to Outsource Now



A principle we learned from 4 Hour Work Week by Timothy Ferriss 1) Social Media- there are experts who do this, in your voice, with the content you want to share 2) Blog Posts- your social media person can help, likely 3) Tax Prep- I hated to make the leap, but now I'm SO GLAD I did. Our CPA started out just doing our taxes, and now he does our monthly bookkeeping too. 4) A piece of your job that you're new at or want to start offering 5) House cleaning/yardwork Connect with us for access to more resources about business + life! Join our Facebook Group for insiders! Follow us on Instagram 17hats free trial and 10% off your purchase 17hats has been crucial for growth in our business. It helps us organize clients in an easy way, and handles all our invoicing and contracts. We want to share it with you!