Own Your Bs: The Podcast



Join Female Head Talk Expert Bree Stedman as she goes deeper than the fluff of 'just be positive' and sheds light on how to turn negative, sabotaging and destructive self-talk into solution focused emotional control


  • EPISODE 23: FEAR of being Judged, BEING Judged and Judging OTHERS

    05/09/2018 Duration: 24min

    In preparation for this podcast I started to explore all the areas that Judgement shows up in life.... the way I see it, there are 3 streams - Fearing being judged, Being judged and Judging others.  But what causes Judgement? This week, we're going to explore the evolution of people, perception and growth and what drives the need need to be critical.  Learn more about how Owning Your BS can help you to establish your ideal life with Emotional Control at www.ownyourbs.com And if you have common stories, repetitive self-talk or something you'd like me to discuss on the Podcast, feel free to email me at bree@breestedman.com 

  • EPISODE 22 - The Timeline of GUILT

    28/08/2018 Duration: 22min

    It's safe to say that the majority of women can identify with guilt. And after years of helping women to let go of this most crippling and UNNECESSARY feeling, I've come to the conclusion that the head talk the drives guilt lives on a timeline.  So in this weeks episode, I'm going to share with you how you can let go of PAST driven guilt, FUTURE fear based guilt AND the guilt that stops you from doing those things you desire to do for you!  Learn more about how Owning Your BS can help you to establish your ideal life with Emotional Control at www.ownyourbs.com And if you have common stories, repetitive self-talk or something you'd like me to discuss on the Podcast, feel free to email me at bree@breestedman.com 

  • EPISODE 21 - My Journey

    21/08/2018 Duration: 17min

    After spending a week immersed in the tool that literally saved my life, my children's lives and my marriage, I feel as though this week is the perfect week to share with you a deeper insight into my journey - from crazy, aggressive and angry mum who used to walk around with a fake smile plastered on her face to convince everyone she was 'fine', to 'take me as I am, I'm confident, authentic and raw, what you see is what you get' ME.  After listening to this, you're likely going to hear, no FEEL, something within you say "yep, this is me, and yep this is what I want" and if you sense that, well.... let's chat. www.breestedman.com - all the information about everything I've shared today is there, including the link to my calendar.  Set yourself beauty - you deserve it ;) 

  • Episode 20 - Are you stuck in a Ground Hog Day Existence

    14/08/2018 Duration: 18min

    You wake up in the morning. Before you even get out of bed you know what's going to happen.... kids, work, kids, hubby, house.... you're stuck in a rut, a ground hog day existence and it's driving you nuts.... Are you stuck in this merry-go-round of living? My experience tells me there's 3 'zones' of a Ground Hog Day existence... How is it affecting you? And what can you do to start to transform into a new zone where you feel excited and inspired by your life again?  Learn more about how Owning Your BS can help you to establish your ideal life with Emotional Control at www.ownyourbs.com And if you have common stories, repetitive self-talk or something you'd like me to discuss on the Podcast, feel free to email me at bree@breestedman.com   

  • Episode 19 - How do I know if it's the right time

    07/08/2018 Duration: 11min

    Is it the right time? Should I get someone else's opinion? Maybe I should wait until a better time.... next year is a good time. I'll do it then.  Head Talk has a nasty habit of overcomplicating our decisions - highlighting the 'what if's', the doubts, the insecurities and fears. The heart however often guides us to what we truly desire.... problem is we don't listen to it often (or is it that we don't know HOW to listen to is?) And that's what we're exploring this week....  Learn more about how Owning Your BS can help you to establish your ideal life with Emotional Control at www.ownyourbs.com And if you have common stories, repetitive self-talk or something you'd like me to discuss on the Podcast, feel free to email me at bree@breestedman.com 

  • Episode 18 - Why I call BS on Work-Life Balance

    31/07/2018 Duration: 18min

    Work/Life Balance.  Apparently you've got success when you can say you're enjoying work/life balance. I personally feel that's BS - it's an unattainable, unrealistic expectation to have on yourself AND it is a breeding ground for negative head talk.  So what can we focus on instead? In this weeks episode I'm going to share with you a new approach - and because it's a new way of looking at things, I'm putting together some worksheets to help you make the most of it. To get a copy emailed to you, register your email address here and you'll receive a one off email with a downloadable PDF for you to utilise. http://eepurl.com/dCFuQH  Learn more about how Owning Your BS can help you to establish a sense of Emotional Control throughout your life at www.ownyourbs.com And if you have common stories, repetitive self-talk or something you'd like me to discuss on the Podcast, feel free to email me at bree@breestedman.com 

  • Episode 17 - What to do when a loved one is stuck in BS

    24/07/2018 Duration: 20min

    Let's be real - BS isn't just an 'us' issue.... often our loved ones get trapped in it to. And as women, often we get caught up in the drama/challenge/situation that is negatively impacting our children, our partner, our family, friends or even clients. It's natural to want to help someone, to feel responsible for their happiness, to want to 'fix' their problems....  SO, how do we stay on top of our BS AND help our loved ones when they are in their OWN BS?  This is what I'll be exploring this week - how YOU can keep yourself grounded, why it's so important that you do AND how you can gently encourage others out of their BS ;)  Learn more about Own Your BS at www.ownyourbs.com And if you have common stories, repetitive self-talk or something you'd like me to discuss on the Podcast, feel free to email me at bree@breestedman.com 

  • Episode 16 - BS Versus Emotional Control

    17/07/2018 Duration: 15min

    So often when I share what happens in my life I have someone comment "are you owning YOUR BS Bree?"  Which has spurred me on to talk more about what Owning your BS actually looks like AND what staying stuck in story, negative thinking or stuck is.  It's an important distinction to make because it is human nature to 1. experience challenges and 2. to experience negative emotions therefore from time to time you're going to experience some BS. The trick is being AWARE, knowing what ACTIONS to make and ALIGNING those with whats important to you - this in essence is Owning Your BS.  So, how do we Own the BS when that happens? .... lets explore it this week! Learn more about Own Your BS at www.ownyourbs.com And if you have common stories, repetitive self-talk or something you'd like me to discuss on the Podcast, feel free to email me at bree@breestedman.com 

  • Episode 15 - Weighty, Heavy Stories

    10/07/2018 Duration: 13min

    We are changing direction slightly this week - exploring the weight of the stories you keep slipping into in a manner that will lighten the load and inspire you to move forward with confidence.  Yes, we're tapping into a more creative space this week, capitalising on the softer, feminine energy that in turn will empower you to make some changes in your thinking habits.  It's going to be a whole heap of fun, so get comfy, give yourself permission to close your eyes for a good 10 minutes, and come on a fun journey with me ;)  Learn more about Own Your BS at www.ownyourbs.com And if you have common stories, repetitive self-talk or something you'd like me to discuss on the Podcast, feel free to email me at bree@breestedman.com 

  • Episode 14 - Get Over Overwhelm

    03/07/2018 Duration: 12min

    It can stop you in your tracks.  Causing you to over think. Over process. Over analyse.  Despite a mile long list of things to do, it can cause you to lose all motivation and traction.  Emotions can be heightened.  This is overwhelm. And today, we're going to explore contributing factors to overwhelm AND things you can do when you feel the fogginess of the state come over you.  Learn more about Own Your BS at www.ownyourbs.com And if you have common stories, repetitive self-talk or something you'd like me to discuss on the Podcast, feel free to email me at bree@breestedman.com 

  • Episode 13 - Force feels like....

    26/06/2018 Duration: 16min

    You know that feel when every day feels like a HUGE effort - you're stressed, overwhelmed, the list of everything that needs to get done if 5miles long and worse yet, you're not enjoying your life.  The head talk seems like it's screaming at you from every direction, you're grumpy, grouchy, snappy OR flat, lackluster and lost.  It's my belief that this is a result of living too much of your life in FORCE. You're going against the FLOW of who you are!  This was a big lesson for me just a few weeks ago - a wake up call if you like that has caused me to SURRENDER and just embrace flow.  And that's what I want to share with you this week - to encourage you to see where you are Forcing yourself and replace it instead with flow, ease, grace and emotional control!  Learn more about Own Your BS at www.ownyourbs.com And if you have common stories, repetitive self-talk or something you'd like me to discuss on the Podcast, feel free to email me at bree@breestedman.com 

  • Episode 12: Head Talk & Hormones

    19/06/2018 Duration: 18min

    Hormones. Chances are when you hear this word you think of periods. Conception. Fertility. Or maybe PMS.  And yet, as a woman, our hormones are SO Much more. The ever changing ebb and flow of our hormones impact every part of our every day life as a woman. Our moods, our energy levels, our appetite, sleep, thinking, communicating AND the quality of our thoughts.  So this week, I'm going to introduce the cycle of our hormones over a 'traditional' month, and how this affects the way you think about yourself and your life.  I go into more detail about our hormone cycle (including a suggested template so you can start tracking your own cycle) in my International Best Selling Book "Own Your BS: The No-Nonsense Guide to addressing Female Head Talk" - grab yourself a copy at www.ownyourbs.com for just $19.95 with FREE Worldwide P&H.  And if you have common stories, repetitive self-talk or something you'd like me to discuss on the Podcast, feel free to email me at bree@breestedman.com 

  • Episode 11: It's time to get out of the story

    12/06/2018 Duration: 12min

    I've had the privilege of working alongside a lot of women in my life, and what I've observed as one of the greatest suckers of energy, happiness and joy is a woman's instinct to revisit, retell and relive past stories. For women, this is such a destructive habit to fall into and one that I am passionate to help women break.  This weeks episode is a bit of a passionate rant with the aim to inspire you to get out of and stop living in and retelling the stories of your past.  For more information about Own Your BS services and products including registering for the 6 week online program, visit www.ownyourbs.com And if you have common stories, repetitive self-talk or something you'd like me to discuss on the Podcast, feel free to email me at bree@breestedman.com   

  • Episode 10: Perfectionism and Fake it til you make it

    05/06/2018 Duration: 15min

    The need to be perfect comes in many forms - personally, it looks like 'being' who you think others want you to be. Professionally, it can result in procrastinating, overthinking, doing and re-doing projects....  However you process perfection, it's ultimately stopping you from moving forward towards the life you want for yourself, causing you to feel 'less than', to question yourself, to compare yourself, to hold yourself back.  So, this week we're going to break down the need to be perfect and set up space for you to become your genuine, authentic self.  For more information about Own Your BS services and products including registering for the 6 week online program, visit www.ownyourbs.com And if you have common stories, repetitive self-talk or something you'd like me to discuss on the Podcast, feel free to email me at bree@breestedman.com 

  • Episode 9: I don't know what to do

    29/05/2018 Duration: 13min

    "I don't know what to do" "They tell me to listen to my gut, but what the hell does that even mean?" "What if I get it wrong?"  "What if I let people, or myself down?"   Making decisions is part and parcel of life - and yet for too many women it's a situation that causes stress, anxiety, doubt and confusion. Overwhelm and procrastination often result. But what if it could be easy? What if, instead of dreading decisions and change, you could embrace them knowing they were going to take you closer and closer to the life you want for yourself?  This week, I'm going to share with you how I make decisions - an interactive exercise I share with all my clients - so that, the next time you need to get decisive, you can do so with more trust in yourself, more confidence and more belief!  Visit the home of Own Your BS at the brand new website www.ownyourbs.com And if you have common stories, repetitive self-talk or something you'd like me to discuss on the Podcast, feel free to email me at bree@breestedman.com 

  • Episode 8: I'm Fed Up, Done With it and Over It

    22/05/2018 Duration: 14min

    This past week my hubby and I have been experiencing some pretty stressful challenges.... to the point where I uncharacteristically exclaimed 'I'm done!' And it dawned on me, that feeling over it, fed up and wanting to just 'quit and walk away' is something that many women - no many people! - can understand.  As such, I want to share with you some strategies that I used, to pull myself out of the funk that felt much like quicksand. Because let's face - life happens to us all - it can be hard work. BUT it doesn't need to STAY that way - and Own Your BS is help you to pull yourself out of the depths of despair and align you back with a sense of emotional control.  Visit the home of Own Your BS at the brand new website www.ownyourbs.com And if you have common stories, repetitive self-talk or something you'd like me to discuss on the Podcast, feel free to email me at bree@breestedman.com 

  • Episode 7: I can't let it go or get over it

    15/05/2018 Duration: 12min

    We've all been there.  Replaying moments from your past. Revisiting the stories - trying to understand WHY things have happened.  The arguments. The challenges. The pains.  We've said "I just want to get over it" We've been told "move on" And we know that we should. But we can't. We keep going around in circles.  In this week's episodes I share a deeper insight into WHY you keep reliving things that have happened to you in the past, and a very easy to do strategy to help you break the emotional stance of the stories.  Visit the home of Own Your BS at the brand new website www.ownyourbs.com And if you have common stories, repetitive self-talk or something you'd like me to discuss on the Podcast, feel free to email me at bree@breestedman.com 

  • Episode 6: I'm Stressed

    08/05/2018 Duration: 15min

    It's no secret that stress isn't healthy or helpful. But did you know the average modern day woman stressed out anywhere between 50-150 times a day - and with each stress episode she lowers her IQ and her digestive system and immune system slows down.  So what can you do, in the moment when stress threatens your sense of peace and control to open up new choices and options?  This week, we're going to explore stress from the Female POV - how our hormones change the look and feel of stress and what you can do in a moment to elevate OUT of stress and back into emotional control.  Visit the home of Own Your BS at the brand new website www.ownyourbs.com And if you have common stories, repetitive self-talk or something you'd like me to discuss on the Podcast, feel free to email me at bree@breestedman.com   

  • EPISODE 5: Why.... why.... WHY....

    01/05/2018 Duration: 14min

    "Why does this keep happening?" "Why does he/she keep going that?" "Why don't they listen to me?" "Why can't I let this go?" "Why do I keep doing this to myself?" These questions never result in a feeling of empowerment. They don't provide a space for emotional control. Clarity. OR confidence. In fact this 3 letter word does the exact opposite - particularly as a woman.  The more you search for the WHY the more messed up you start to feel. Which results in more of the same negative self-talk.  But how do we get out of that? How can we reframe those detail seeking why questions to encourage a sense of ownership, personal power and responsibility?  In this weeks episode we explore how destructive this 3 little word can be and what you can do instead to step into a space of choice and change.  Visit the home of Own Your BS at the brand new website www.ownyourbs.com And if you have common stories, repetitive self-talk or something you'd like me to discuss on the Podcast, feel free to email me at bree@breestedman.

  • EPISODE 4: I should

    24/04/2018 Duration: 14min

    You've been running around all day, ticking items off your to do list. You grab a quick cup of tea at the end of the day, and sit down on the lounge for a quick 5 minutes before the next string of tasks is begun.  And it starts.... "I should play with the kids" "I should work on my business" "I should call my mum" The 'I should' is a lot more destructive to your emotional control and confidence then you probably recognise. Filling you with the need to act out of obligation, to criticise, judge and degrade your current actions and leave you feeling guilty, resentful or not fully engaged.  Today we are going to start rephrasing the heaviness of 'I should' with something that inspires action, confirms choices and leaves you feeling far more in control.  Visit the home of Own Your BS at the brand new website www.ownyourbs.com And if you have common stories, repetitive self-talk or something you'd like me to discuss on the Podcast, feel free to email me at bree@breestedman.com   

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