Own Your Bs: The Podcast

Episode 17 - What to do when a loved one is stuck in BS



Let's be real - BS isn't just an 'us' issue.... often our loved ones get trapped in it to. And as women, often we get caught up in the drama/challenge/situation that is negatively impacting our children, our partner, our family, friends or even clients. It's natural to want to help someone, to feel responsible for their happiness, to want to 'fix' their problems....  SO, how do we stay on top of our BS AND help our loved ones when they are in their OWN BS?  This is what I'll be exploring this week - how YOU can keep yourself grounded, why it's so important that you do AND how you can gently encourage others out of their BS ;)  Learn more about Own Your BS at www.ownyourbs.com And if you have common stories, repetitive self-talk or something you'd like me to discuss on the Podcast, feel free to email me at bree@breestedman.com