Own Your Bs: The Podcast

Episode 16 - BS Versus Emotional Control



So often when I share what happens in my life I have someone comment "are you owning YOUR BS Bree?"  Which has spurred me on to talk more about what Owning your BS actually looks like AND what staying stuck in story, negative thinking or stuck is.  It's an important distinction to make because it is human nature to 1. experience challenges and 2. to experience negative emotions therefore from time to time you're going to experience some BS. The trick is being AWARE, knowing what ACTIONS to make and ALIGNING those with whats important to you - this in essence is Owning Your BS.  So, how do we Own the BS when that happens? .... lets explore it this week! Learn more about Own Your BS at www.ownyourbs.com And if you have common stories, repetitive self-talk or something you'd like me to discuss on the Podcast, feel free to email me at bree@breestedman.com