Mind Force Radio.com



Natural Strength Night is an informative, humorous, sometimes a little raucous, good-time of myth busting and honest training information from the trenches. We strive to help everyone involved with old school strength training (without steroids) to not make some common training mistakes. Along with great information, you'll hear a fair share of steroid bashing, flamingo sightings, breaking goons, iron game history, and honest drug-free training information from various leaders and strength coaches in the field to help you get real results! If your primary training information comes from reading "Muscle & Fiction" magazine we'll help get you straightened out. If you love high-intensity strength training, dinosaur style training and just like lifting heavy weights ... or loved Jack Lalanne, Sandow, Grimek, Peary Rader's Iron Man magazine, Brad Steiner's articles, Stuart McRobert's Hardgainer, Iron Nation, Osmo Kiiha's The Iron Master, you will love the show.On The Rugged Individual, we talk about obscene subjects like: success, motivation, liberty, Americana, capitalism, Jesus, self defense, guns, sports, eating meat, testicular fortitude and whatever the host wants. Relax. Here we are still a free country. The Rugged Individual... where good people roam.


  • Jedd Johnson Diesel Crew Grip Strength Richard Sorin Captain of Crush Inch Dumbell Blob Pinch Grip

    18/05/2017 Duration: 56min

    Jedd Johnson interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 37) - 13 May 17 Tonight our guest is Jedd Johnson. Jedd is owner of The Diesel Crew, widely recognized as a world leader in Grip Strength and for strength & Conditioning of athletes as well. I’ve been Facebook friends with Jedd for several years, but I’ve known about Jedd for about 15 years mainly through my good friend Dan Cenidoza (who can be heard on episode #34.) The night I had Dan on my D.C. radio show as a guest, Jedd and The Diesel Crew flooded us with calls. Jedd is a Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist and is a regular speaker at the Pennsylvania NSCA Clinic. He has written numerous articles on Grip training, Strongman Training and Athletic Strength & Conditioning for Straight to the Bar, The Diesel Crew and others. Jedd is Not a “Grip Only" guy. He is whole body strong and can lift heavy. He has lifted a 400 pound Atlas Stone and has put close to 350 pounds overhead. He has competed in, and won, many G

  • Doug Eidd Doug's Gym Dallas Jackson Barbell JFK Jack Ruby Chuck Norris Bob Hoffman John Grimek

    12/03/2017 Duration: 01h03min

    Doug Eidd interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 36) - 11 March 17 Tonight our guest is Doug Eidd. Doug is a physical culture pioneer and a true living legend both in the gym business and in the personal training field as well. Doug is 86 years old and still trains heavy, hard and regular. He has over 70 years of weight training experience and he looks and acts decades younger than he is. Doug owns Doug's Gym in Dallas, Texas. He opened the gym in 1962 and has been running the gym in the same downtown location for fifty five years! The gym has become a landmark in downtown Dallas. Doug’s Gym has been recognized repeatedly as one of the best and The Best hardcore gym in the USA by many newspapers and training magazines. Doug's Gym is old school and exudes a hardcore old fashioned feel. It still contains most of the original workout equipment from the 1960s. The gym has mainly barbells, dumbbells, power racks and free-weight workout equipment with also a few machines.

  • Dick Conner Arthur Jones Deland Kim Wood Hammer Strength Bob Hoffman John Grimek Vince Gironda

    25/02/2017 Duration: 01h22min

    Dick Conner interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 35) - 22 February 17 Tonight we welcome back my good friend Dick Conner. Dick has been a regular on the show and was on the very first episode of Natural Strength Night, as well as episodes 2, 4, 6, 17 and 25. I've known Dick for over 20 years. I love the guy. We talk frequently and rarely have a conversation that is less then an hour long. Dick made the long drive from Indiana to Washington, DC to be a speaker at several of my Capital City Strength Clinics. Dick one of the most honest, nicest, and funniest guys in the field. He’s been involved in strength training for over 60 years and he has a treasure trove of knowledge. We are going to be picking his brain tonight about some of the many places and colorful iron game individuals he has met over the years. Dick is the FOUNDER of the Famous Pit Gym in Indiana and is one of the greatest powerlifting coaches of all-time. Dick’s PIT GYM powerlifting Team won 19 state

  • Dan Cenidoza Captain Of Crush Grip Strength Bending Red Nail Strongman Farmers Walk Kettlebells

    01/02/2017 Duration: 53min

    Dan Cenidoza interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 34) - 31 January 17 Tonight our guest is Dan Cenidoza. I have known Dan for about 15 years. He lived in Maryland, north of Baltimore when I lived in Washington, DC. Dan made the long drive several times to workout at my gym Whelan Strength Training. Dan is one of the best high quality, and most well rounded guys I know. A true family man who really gets what life is about. Dan had the Farmers Walk record at WST, usually done after the workout. We used a pair of Atomic Athletic utensils loaded to 110 pounds each and we competed by who had the least amount of times putting down the weights to finish the course. Most people put them down 20 times or more to finish. Dan had the record with one. He was the only trainee to carry 110 pounds in each hand (220 total) around the entire city block surrounding the gym, only putting them down once. Dan used to leave various metal objects on my desk almost every time he came. These w

  • Chuck Miller Stuart McRobert Hardgainer Brawn Natural Bodybuilding Powerlifting

    09/01/2017 Duration: 01h25min

    Chuck Miller interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 33) - 9 January 17 Tonight our guest is Chuck Miller. I have known Chuck for almost 20 years. He lived in the DC area when I was there and had several workouts at my gym, Whelan Strength Training. I’ve seen his strength first hand. He attended several of my Capital CITY STRENGTH Clinics too. Chuck was the first trainee at WST to shoulder the 250 pound Atomic Athletic Granite Stone. Chuck has competed as a powerlifter for many years and has totalled “Raw Elite” in two weight classes! Chuck had a 600 pound squat, a 380 Bench Press, and a 620 Deadlift in the 220 pound weight class. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and has written dozens of articles for Hardgainer, Milo and others. Chuck is going to be talking to us tonight about his great new book written about the training principles of Stuart McRobert: INSIDE THE MIND OF AN IRON ICON It’s an in depth interview with Stuart. Stuart is the aut

  • David Sedunary Australian Rules Football American Combato Bradley J Steiner Peary Rader Hardgainer

    20/12/2016 Duration: 01h05min

    David Sedunary interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 32) - 19 December 16 Tonight our guest is David Sedunary. I have known David for over 15 years by email, phone and Skype. He was very active on my old Physical Culture Board. David has written several articles for NaturalStrength.com and Hardgainer magazine. He has been a repeat client of mine at Web Strength Coach.com and is one of the most dedicated guys I know. David is from Broken Hill, New South Wales, Australia. He’s had a lifetime love of strength training since the age of 15. He was obsessed with getting bigger, stronger, and gaining muscle. His first set of weights were home made. They were made from ice cream tins filled with concrete. They had a one inch hole in the middle to fit a broom stick. He used mainly this for his training for 2 whole years till he got his first set of weights at age 17. David’s training foundation grew from reading Strength and Health and Peary Rader’s Iron Man, til Peary sold the mag

  • Old School Weight Training, Mental Aspects, Big Arms, Powerlifting, Christian Iron

    14/04/2016 Duration: 53min

    Dave Yarnell interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 31) - 13 April 16 Tonight our guest is one of the top muscle writers of our time, Dave Yarnell. Dave is a true dyed in the wool iron game expert and historian. He has spent 43 years in the lifting trenches, started weight training at age 12, and since then has read almost every book and magazine related to the subject. He has also competed in Powerlifting for close to 30 years and has some impressive lifts. He has written for Powerlifting USA, Natural Strength.com and others. But its his books … that really make Dave shine. Dave has written 14 great iron game books. Just to name a few, … his titles include: King Squat: Rise to Power, … Forgotten Secrets of the Old Time Strong Men, ... Getting In The Zone: The mental Aspects of Strength Training Revealed, … The Old School Strength Training Secrets Bible, … The Illustrated Old School Muscle Building Secrets Manual, and several others that I’ll mention in my questions. Dav

  • Ken Mannie, High Intensity Training, Strength and Conditioning, Dan Riley, Coaching, Leadership

    17/02/2016 Duration: 01h39min

    Ken Mannie interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 30) - 17 February 16 Tonight our guest is one of the best strength & conditioning coaches in the world, if not the best, my friend Ken Mannie. I’ve known Ken for over 20 years. He wrote a great chapter in Iron Nation called: Steel City Tough. We’ll be talking about that later. Ken has been a big help to me in my career … with websites, books …. you name it. When I started NaturalStrength.com, way back in 1999, Ken encouraged me more than anyone. I still remember him saying .. “If you build it… they will come.” … There is no one in this field that I appreciate more and respect more than Ken Mannie. Ken is a 42 year coaching veteran and is now in his 22nd year as the head strength & conditioning coach at Michigan State University. If I read all of his awards and credentials we would be here all day. His great bio could be a book, ... but just to name just a few: He has a masters degree in exercise science from Ohio State Univ

  • Natural Bodybuilding Champion, Staying Lean & Strong, Bill Pearl, Getting Ripped, Cancer Research

    31/01/2016 Duration: 54min

    Ian Duckett interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 29) - 31 January 16 Tonight our guest is one of the top natural bodybuilders in the world ... Ian Duckett. I’ve been watching Ian’s career with great respect for over 20 years. The guy has so many titles in natural bodybuilding that if I read them all, it would take all day! ... But, just to name a few, … his titles include: Natural Mr. Britain, … a Natural World’s win, … a Natural Masters win, … Mr. Muscle Mania Europe, … the NPA Pro Title, and the UNBN World Title … and the list goes on and on! …. And these are just the body building titles! … He has also won many natural powerlifting contests as well. Ian is lifetime steroid & PED free … and he gives rock solid information you can take to the bank. He has written several great e-books and also has a brand new book coming out too. He will be telling us about it on the show. Please visit Ian's website at: BodyInDesign.co.uk Ian, ... welcome to Natural Strength Night. P

  • Strongman Christian Ministry, Dinosaur Training, Dennis Rogers, A Unique Odd Object Workout

    26/12/2015 Duration: 55min

    Jeff Bankens interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 28) - 24 December 15 Tonight... our guest is the Louisiana Strongman, Jeff "T-Rex" Bankens. Jeff is lifetime steroid & PED free and he has an impressive list of strength feats that include: tearing phone books and decks of cards in half, bending horse shoes and steel bars, and breaking chains and baseball bats with his bare hands. But his most impressive stunts and feats involve neck strength. In this area of strength, Jeff hold 4 World records with Record Holders Republic. One of these feats included pulling two vehicles at the same time using just a neck harness and strap. Jeff will be filling us in with the details on his records later in the show. We will be focusing tonight on how Jeff built such tremendous neck strength. Jeff, Welcome to Natural Strength Night and Merry Christmas. Please see all of our podcasts here: http://www.mindforceradio.com/

  • The Mighty Atom Documentary, Mind Over Matter, Harry Houdini, Dig Your Grave With Knife and Fork

    06/12/2015 Duration: 42min

    Steve Greenstein interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 27) - 6 December 15 Tonight … our guest is Steve Greenstein. Steve is the grandson of The Mighty Atom, Joe Greenstein. We are going to be talking tonight about the interesting life of The Mighty Atom, who was one of the most colorful and beloved figures in the history of physical culture. He is one of my favorites. I still have an old framed picture of him biting a chain. I had it on the wall of my gym in Washington, DC for over 20 years! I still have it here in Florida! All of his amazing feats were done naturally, way before the steroid era. We are going to be talking tonight about some of his amazing stunts and feats of Strength. Steve is currently Producing a Documentary about his grandfather. I can’t wait to see it. Steve, Welcome to Natural Strength Night. Please see all of our podcasts here: http://www.mindforceradio.com/

  • Belts and Straps, Birthday Stone Workout, 3 or 2 Days Per Week, High Rep Deadlifts, Good Mornings,

    24/11/2015 Duration: 58min

    Jim Duggan Interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 26) - 23 November 15 Tonight our guest is my good friend, "The Fire Fighter Strongman" Jim Duggan. Me and Jim have a bonding in this area too. We are fire fighter brothers. I was a fire fighter and EMT for 8 years in the Air Force way back in the 70's and early 80's. Big Jim is one of the strongest natural guys in the field and he is also one of the nicest. Jim is 51 years old and a massively built 6 feet tall. He is a Lifetime Drug-Free RAW Power Lifter and Strongman Competitor in the 275 and 242 pound weight classes. Jim had a Bench Press that was over 500 pounds with NO SHIRT and a deadlift of 688 pounds. Jim is a Captain in the NYC Fire Dept. and is assigned to Engine Company 231 in Brownsville, Brooklyn. He has written dozens of great Strength Training articles for The Dinosaur Files and NaturalStrength.com where he has a column in the Special Features section. Big Jim, Welcome to Natural Strength Night. Please see al

  • Training Middle and High School Athletes, Intensity and Good Form, Recovery for Natural Lifters

    03/11/2015 Duration: 53min

    Dick Conner Interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 25) - 02 June 15 Tonight… our guest is my good friend Dick Conner. I've known Dick for over 20 years. He was a speaker at several of my Capital City Strength Clinics. Dick is the longtime coach of THE PIT GYM Powerlifting Team. He is like the John Wooden of powerlifting coaches. He has written many articles for Hardgainer Magazine and NaturalStrength.com. Dick has over 60 years experience in the iron game so listen to his wisdom. He is very entertaining and has a great sense of humor. If you live anywhere near Evansville Indiana, you need to get a workout with coach Connor. Visit the website at: ThePitBarbellClub.com Please see all of our podcasts here: http://www.mindforceradio.com/

  • Norb Schemansky's 91st birthday, York Barbell, Dick "Smitty" Smith, John Terlazzo, Doc Ziegler

    13/10/2015 Duration: 01h18min

    Roger La Pointe Interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 24) - 06 May 15 Tonight our guest is Roger La Pointe. I’ve known Roger for almost 20 years… he was just out of college and working for York Barbell when I first met him. He has many interesting stories about his time at York … we’ll be talking about them tonight. There is a lot of information here. If you love iron game History, then you are in for a real treat! Roger practices what he preaches and is pound for pound one of the strongest guys around in NATURAL strongman competitions and Olympic lifting. He has overhead pressed … atlas stones … heavier than his bodyweight. Roger is the CEO and owner of Atomic Athletic a great company that was a sponsor of several of my Capital City Strength Clinics. Atomic Athletic makes some of the toughest, hardcore strength training equipment you will find. I’ve bought many items from Atomic Athletic, including 4 Granite stones, … Farmers Walk utensils, … thick bars, … chalk and many o

  • Osmo Kiiha, The Iron Master, Growing up in Finland, 418 Clean and Jerk, Bob Hise, Homer Brannum

    19/09/2015 Duration: 01h08min

    Osmo Kiiha Interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 23) - 05 Mar 15 Tonight, I'm honored to have as our guest Osmo Kiiha. Osmo is one of the most respected and knowledgeable guys in every aspect of the Iron Game. From training knowledge, to competing, to the history, Osmo is second to none. He is also my best friend in the Iron Game. I’ve been talking to Osmo regularly for around 25 years and I consider him a brother. He is my “go to guy" whenever I have a question about Iron Game History. In addition to being a true gentleman and a first class guy, Osmo ranks as pound for pound one of the strongest Iron Game Guys too. At the age of 21 years old, Osmo cleaned and jerked 418 pounds. He competed in the 1968 Senior nationals in the 198 pound class. At the age of only 21 years old, he retired from competitions. Who knows what he could have done if he kept competing for another 10 years or so. He probably would have been a world champion. Osmo is the founder and editor of THE IRON M

  • Stuart McRobert, Bodybuilding Goldmine, Hardgainer, Brawn, Little Gems, Basics 'Breviated and Best

    13/09/2015 Duration: 01h04min

    Stuart McRobert Interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 21) - 2 Nov 14 Tonight it’s an honor for me to have as our guest Stuart McRobert, the publisher of Hardgainer Magazine. I’ve known Stuart for over 20 years. I consider him my strongest ally in the promotion of good honest training information. The one word that best describes Stuart is integrity. Stuart is one of the few out there with enough guts to take a real stand against the use of PEDS in strength training. You will never see Stuart compromise by using the "drugged-up stars" to sell his products like most others do. You won’t see their pictures on his website or books either. I admire him for that. I’m proud to say that I wrote for Stuart’s great magazine Hardgainer for a 10-year span from 1994 to when the magazine ended in 2004. I owe a lot to Stuart for giving me my start in writing and getting me established. Stuart saved the modern physical culture movement IMO. I remember those dark days after Perry Rader sold I

  • Close Combat, American Combato, Self Defense, Strength Training for the Martial Arts

    08/09/2015 Duration: 59min

    Bradley J. Steiner Interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 19) - 7 Oct 14 It’s a great honor for me to have as our guest, Professor Bradley J. Steiner. Brad is one of the greatest muscle writers of all time and is a world-renowned expert in two separate fields: strength training and the martial arts. (Especially self-defense and close combat.) He has written over 30 published books in these areas of study. I have read several of Brads strength training books in my early years of training and I credit his great writings in Strength & Health, Muscular Development and Iron Man for giving me a great foundation in my own training. 
 Brad was probably the first to emphasize the importance of STRENGTH TRAINING for self defense and the martial arts. Traditionally the martial arts discouraged weight training (and many still do!) Brad went against the grain and was a leader and pioneer in teaching the benefits of strength training for self defense and the martial arts. Brad is a tenth deg

  • Muscle Museum, Jackson Barbell, Charles Atlas, Bur-Bel, Bernarr Macfadden, Sig Klein's Gym

    04/09/2015 Duration: 57min

    Mike BonDurant Interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 18) - 28 Sep 14 Tonight our guest is Mike BonDurant. Mike is well known as one of the top iron game memorabilia collectors and physical culture historians in the world. He’s especially known as THE guy who knows the history of strength equipment. He is the founder of the Muscle Museum in St Augustine Florida, and he’s also the publisher of the Muscle Museum Forum newsletter. I’m going to have to drive up and visit Mike now that I’m in Florida. Mike sounds like a man half his age but don’t let his youthful voice fool you. He’s well into his seventies and has over 60 years experience in the field of strength training and has done it all ... from running his own gyms, selling equipment and nutritional products, running natural bodybuilding contests, writing numerous strength trainining articles and his own personal training business. If you are going to be anywhere near St Augustine Florida you have to stop by and visit the Mus

  • Muscle Beach, Bill Pearl, Leo Stern's Gym, Joe Gold, Vince Gironda, The Pit

    30/08/2015 Duration: 54min

    Dick Conner Interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 17) - 19 Sep 14 Tonight we welcome back my good friend Dick Conner who is a regular on the show and one of the nicest and most honest guys in the field. Dick also has a great sense of humor which I love. Dick has been involved in strength training for over 60 years, and he’s one of the greatest powerlifting coaches of all-time. He has written many great articles for Hardgainer, Natural Strength.com and others. Dick is the founder of THE PIT, one of the best strength gyms in the country and he still works there a few days a week. Dick provides some great and humorous information about his visits to many gyms around the country and meeting Leo Stern, Vince Gironda, Joe gold, Vic Tanney, George Eiferman and others. You'll get some great info on the new awesome Pit Gym too. We have another great sound-bite of the great Jack Lalanne from his TV show in the early 1960’s. Enjoy the wisdom of a man way ahead of his time. Todd Baisley c

  • Jack Lalanne, Successful Coaching Philosophy, "Shock the Muscles" BS, We Used to Be a Cult

    25/08/2015 Duration: 54min

    Ted Harrison Interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 16) - 7 Sep 14 Tonight we welcome back a regular guest, Ted Harrison. We'll talk about the core philosophy of his personal training, who in physical culture influenced him the most, and if he believes cardiovascular exercise is needed if you do hard and progressive strength training. We will also talk about how many people confuse STRENGTH TRAINING with EXERCISE, the pros and cons of training info in Social Media, how often to change your strength training program and some good nutrition info. We also have some vintage Jack LaLanne talking about unhappy people and Drew Israel calls in a classic "Flamingo" message. All this with a bunch of laughs with it! Successful Coaching Philosophy, Jack Lalanne, "Shock the Muscles" BS, We Used to Be a Cult, The Scourge of Bread & Wine Please see all of our podcasts here: http://www.mindforceradio.com/

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