Mind Force Radio.com

Ken Mannie, High Intensity Training, Strength and Conditioning, Dan Riley, Coaching, Leadership



Ken Mannie interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 30) - 17 February 16 Tonight our guest is one of the best strength & conditioning coaches in the world, if not the best, my friend Ken Mannie. I’ve known Ken for over 20 years. He wrote a great chapter in Iron Nation called: Steel City Tough. We’ll be talking about that later. Ken has been a big help to me in my career … with websites, books …. you name it. When I started NaturalStrength.com, way back in 1999, Ken encouraged me more than anyone. I still remember him saying .. “If you build it… they will come.” … There is no one in this field that I appreciate more and respect more than Ken Mannie. Ken is a 42 year coaching veteran and is now in his 22nd year as the head strength & conditioning coach at Michigan State University. If I read all of his awards and credentials we would be here all day. His great bio could be a book, ... but just to name just a few: He has a masters degree in exercise science from Ohio State Univ