Mind Force Radio.com

Dan Cenidoza Captain Of Crush Grip Strength Bending Red Nail Strongman Farmers Walk Kettlebells



Dan Cenidoza interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 34) - 31 January 17 Tonight our guest is Dan Cenidoza. I have known Dan for about 15 years. He lived in Maryland, north of Baltimore when I lived in Washington, DC. Dan made the long drive several times to workout at my gym Whelan Strength Training. Dan is one of the best high quality, and most well rounded guys I know. A true family man who really gets what life is about. Dan had the Farmers Walk record at WST, usually done after the workout. We used a pair of Atomic Athletic utensils loaded to 110 pounds each and we competed by who had the least amount of times putting down the weights to finish the course. Most people put them down 20 times or more to finish. Dan had the record with one. He was the only trainee to carry 110 pounds in each hand (220 total) around the entire city block surrounding the gym, only putting them down once. Dan used to leave various metal objects on my desk almost every time he came. These w