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Ian Duckett interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 29) - 31 January 16 Tonight our guest is one of the top natural bodybuilders in the world ... Ian Duckett. I’ve been watching Ian’s career with great respect for over 20 years. The guy has so many titles in natural bodybuilding that if I read them all, it would take all day! ... But, just to name a few, … his titles include: Natural Mr. Britain, … a Natural World’s win, … a Natural Masters win, … Mr. Muscle Mania Europe, … the NPA Pro Title, and the UNBN World Title … and the list goes on and on! …. And these are just the body building titles! … He has also won many natural powerlifting contests as well. Ian is lifetime steroid & PED free … and he gives rock solid information you can take to the bank. He has written several great e-books and also has a brand new book coming out too. He will be telling us about it on the show. Please visit Ian's website at: BodyInDesign.co.uk Ian, ... welcome to Natural Strength Night. P