Mind Force Radio.com

Muscle Beach, Bill Pearl, Leo Stern's Gym, Joe Gold, Vince Gironda, The Pit



Dick Conner Interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 17) - 19 Sep 14 Tonight we welcome back my good friend Dick Conner who is a regular on the show and one of the nicest and most honest guys in the field. Dick also has a great sense of humor which I love. Dick has been involved in strength training for over 60 years, and he’s one of the greatest powerlifting coaches of all-time. He has written many great articles for Hardgainer, Natural Strength.com and others. Dick is the founder of THE PIT, one of the best strength gyms in the country and he still works there a few days a week. Dick provides some great and humorous information about his visits to many gyms around the country and meeting Leo Stern, Vince Gironda, Joe gold, Vic Tanney, George Eiferman and others. You'll get some great info on the new awesome Pit Gym too. We have another great sound-bite of the great Jack Lalanne from his TV show in the early 1960’s. Enjoy the wisdom of a man way ahead of his time. Todd Baisley c