Mind Force Radio.com

Chuck Miller Stuart McRobert Hardgainer Brawn Natural Bodybuilding Powerlifting



Chuck Miller interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 33) - 9 January 17 Tonight our guest is Chuck Miller. I have known Chuck for almost 20 years. He lived in the DC area when I was there and had several workouts at my gym, Whelan Strength Training. I’ve seen his strength first hand. He attended several of my Capital CITY STRENGTH Clinics too. Chuck was the first trainee at WST to shoulder the 250 pound Atomic Athletic Granite Stone. Chuck has competed as a powerlifter for many years and has totalled “Raw Elite” in two weight classes! Chuck had a 600 pound squat, a 380 Bench Press, and a 620 Deadlift in the 220 pound weight class. He is a Certified Strength and Conditioning Specialist and has written dozens of articles for Hardgainer, Milo and others. Chuck is going to be talking to us tonight about his great new book written about the training principles of Stuart McRobert: INSIDE THE MIND OF AN IRON ICON It’s an in depth interview with Stuart. Stuart is the aut