Mind Force Radio.com

Stuart McRobert, Bodybuilding Goldmine, Hardgainer, Brawn, Little Gems, Basics 'Breviated and Best



Stuart McRobert Interview with Bob Whelan - NATURAL STRENGTH NIGHT podcast - (episode 21) - 2 Nov 14 Tonight it’s an honor for me to have as our guest Stuart McRobert, the publisher of Hardgainer Magazine. I’ve known Stuart for over 20 years. I consider him my strongest ally in the promotion of good honest training information. The one word that best describes Stuart is integrity. Stuart is one of the few out there with enough guts to take a real stand against the use of PEDS in strength training. You will never see Stuart compromise by using the "drugged-up stars" to sell his products like most others do. You won’t see their pictures on his website or books either. I admire him for that. I’m proud to say that I wrote for Stuart’s great magazine Hardgainer for a 10-year span from 1994 to when the magazine ended in 2004. I owe a lot to Stuart for giving me my start in writing and getting me established. Stuart saved the modern physical culture movement IMO. I remember those dark days after Perry Rader sold I