Write Life Podcast With Kim Klassen

15. the Serenity prayer in life and on the page



God grant me the serenity  To accept the things I cannot change;  Courage to change the things I can;  And wisdom to know the difference.  What can we control? Our thoughts, emotions, actions/reactions.  What can't we control (zoom into the present moment to consider this) ?other people and circumstances outside of us. Our brain loves to dwell on the things 'outside' of our control and how they should be different. In this place, we don't have to change or take action. This keeps us stuck. Looping in the shoulds, should-nots and if only's.  It can feel awful yet it's very easy to 'stay there'. Today, let's break down the power and wisdom of the SERENITY prayer (both in life and on the page.) Daily Questions This week, on the page, zoom into your life and consider these 2 Questions. 1. Today, am I accepting the things I can not change? 2. Today, what things are truly in my control? The page is a safe place to be real. Let whatever flows come up. Questions are a powerful way to find clarity, direction, and