There Will Be Porn

Cait & Murda Are Tanning Everything But The Taint - The Bitter End (1989)



Support us and More Banana Podcasts! Cait & Murda, two childhood friends and sex positive women watch the AVN’s The 101 Greatest Adult Tapes Of All Time counting down to the best porn of them all. This week they've reached #77, The Bitter End,  a historical rewrite of a sexy anal history, For the first segment, Murda brings a history lesson on the enigmatic and truly awful J. Edgar Hoover, who was sexually repressed and depraved, like so many other powerful white men. Then they recap the porno movie. The Bitter End gives a spy/FBI romp of two agents infiltrating the dirt commie den of beatnik poets, lead by J. Edgar Hooter, and starring Rachel Ashley, Jack Baker, Deidre Black, and Peter North. Are you ready to have far out cosmic sex for the state? Follow us @therewillprn on Instagram and Twitter Also, follow our YouTube Channel and our Porn Hub Channel for animated shorts. Check out more at and There Will Be Drinking Podcast (the origin of the Murda and Cait