Encontros E Vazios: Qual De Nós Já Não Viveu Isso?

Estamos fadados a apenas pequenos momentos, insights de alegrias, enquanto a vida é composta de dúvidas, conflitos, lutas e devaneios cotidianos? Somos moldados diante da esfera...

Umoralske Viser

I Umoralske viser anmeldes hverdagen baseret på egne erfaringer på en ofte umiddelbar og helst fordomsfri måde. Emnerne spænder over store som små aspekter af livet. Det kan...

In All Her Hidden Places

Everyone has secrets… but Bryony never expected her parents to have kept this secret from her.Bryony Royle thinks she is an ordinary girl until she receives a locket from her...

Someone Else's Houses: A Brazilian's Journal While Living In The Usa As An Au Pair

Nadia Novak, a young Brazilian woman, moves to the United States to work as a babysitter while living with an American family. In a journal, she writes about her common and...

Forskning Viser..

Forskning viser.. er en opplysende og flåsete podcast om forskning, av Ivar Fr. Mølmen og Gard Eirik Arneberg.

Runs In The Blood

Always feeling as if he had halted his existence on the right side of the world, Theodore has no memory of his life before New Year's 1971. Three years have passed since...

Things I Should Have Known Before I Was Thirty

Adulthood is not an easy business. Not really. The moment you come of age, you're practically thrown into a completely different world in which you must be a mature person almost...

De Visu - Le Devoir

Chaque mois, la critique d'art du Devoir, Marie-Eve Charron explore l'univers de la création, du commentaire et de l'audace dans le champs de l'art contemporain à Montréal

A História Das Ligas Camponesas: Testemunho De Quem A Viveu

Ao contrário dos textos acadêmicos e analíticos, A história das ligas camponesas – Testemunho de quem viveu lembra as memórias de campanha e as matérias dos...

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