The Profile Of A Man Of God

God needs people who are filled with the Holy Spirit, who are worried about their own will or future, and who have adopted the character of the Lord Jesus. These people need to...

The World Will Burn

Science asserts that our planet is on the path to imminent collapse…How much time do we have left? What will happen to our souls when the end comes, as the Bible foretells?All...

The Faith Of Abraham: Self-denial, Sacrifice, Trust, And Total Surrender

In this new edition of "The Faith of Abraham", Edir Macedo talks about the importance of having a faith that is based upon the solid foundation of the Word of God — a faith of...

The Secrets And Mysteries Of The Soul

No matter how energetic, healthy, enthusiastic, and full of dreams a person may be, they know that life in this world is short. What no one knows is how close they are to their...

Gideon And The 300 : How God Achieves The Extraordinary Through Ordinary People 

Although the people of Israel had conquered Canaan, the Promised Land, they were declining in their faith. To help His people overcome their enemies and re-establish their...

Here I Am, Lord!: God's Criteria For Choosing His Servants

"Whom shall I send, and who will go for Us?""Here I am!" was the prophet Isaiah's answer to God's great question, but do you know the secret that it holds?The Most High is looking...

Discovering The Character Of God

Now the little ones will be able to discover the character of God. In "Discovering the character of God" — the first book in the Discoveries series, which is based on the books...

A Voz Da Fé: O Segredo Para Uma Vida Bem-sucedida

Você costuma ouvir a voz do seu coração? Normalmente escutamos esse conselho quando não sabemos ao certo como agir em determinadas situações. Nessa obra, o bispo Macedo irá...

Finas Joias: Mensagens Para A Reflexão Feminina

Esta obra é uma homenagem a todas as mulheres, mães, avós, profissionais bem-sucedidas em todas as áreas, executivas, professoras, enfermeiras, telefonistas, empregadas...

Como Vencer Suas Guerras Pela Fé: Descubra Como Enfrentar As Batalhas Do Dia A Dia

Vertentes filosóficas abordam a vida humana como um mero acaso, ignorando o mundo espiritual e os seus desdobramentos. De outra forma, algumas religiões e suas ramificações...

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