2 Pontos - Rodrigo Alves E Raphael Roque

Um debate - quase sempre ponderado - sobre a NBA

Jovita Alves Feitosa: Voluntária Da Pátria, Voluntária Da Morte

Em 1865, chegou a Jaicós, no interior do Piauí, a notícia de que o Governo brasileiro recrutava voluntários para lutar na Guerra do Paraguai. Ali, a cearense Jovita Alves...

Diálogos Makii De Francisco Alves De Souza: Manuscrito De Uma Congregação Católica De Africanos Mina, 1786

Os Diálogos Makii foram escritos em 1786 por Francisco Alves de Souza, ex-escravo africano natural da Costa da Mina, no Golfo da Guiné. Souza pertencia à Congregação Makii,...

This & That

Two girls talking about the serious, and the not so serious...A little bit of this, mixed with a little bit of that.


This&That - an eclectic podcast collaboration about everything that's anything! A periodic (typically weekly) podcast, This&That episodes cover a broad range of topics including:...

Not That, This!

Not That, This! is an interview show where Journalist Geraint Evans invites Artists and Influencers to come and talk about their Pop Culture passions.Authors, Scriptwriters,...

This Or That

Pop culture and where we fit in it...

This Ain't That

ThIs Aint That is a podcast with The Black Franny, a millennial in a quarter-life crisis. The podcast explores the difficulties of adulting and living in a 21st Century kind of...

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