As Guerras De Juquinha: E Outras Guerras

"... história conflituosa, cujos personagens protagonizam cenas de ação, que misturam drama e humor, com imaginação, sarcasmo e mordacidade, agregando elementos que vão do...

Stephanie Miller's Happy Hour Podcast

Does Donald Trump make you want to drink and swear? A LOT? Youre in luck! Introducing Americas original Sexy Liberal and host of the nationally syndicated Stephanie Miller...

Stephanie Bandosik: 365 Live Challenge

Owner of Foxy Trot Dance, LLC. Building my life and business with peace, love, and light. Kindness and positive energy are underrated! #365LiveChallenge

Stephanie Mckay ::: April 2008 Podcast

US soul singer Stephanie Mckay settles down for a chat as she looks forward to the release of her forthcoming album

Let's Talk Safety With Stephanie

Some people say that the Occupational Health and Safety industry is at a standstill. Workers are still dying at alarming rates. Some people believe that safety professionals are...

Breaking Point With Stephanie Conway

A female political commentator approaching politics in a way that would make code pink cringe. Stephanie Conway takes her experience working on college campuses and as a regular...

On Air With Stephanie Synclair

Quantum Leap Your Business with On Air with Stephanie Synclair. Each episode, Stephanie shares tips, insights and lessons gleaned from her work as a business coach, entrepreneur...

Depois da guerra

Vamos para mais uma mensagem da parte de Deus para abençoar o seu coração !


Uma investigação profunda, provocativa, sobre como a guerra mudou nossa sociedade – PARA MELHOR. Em Guerra, o renomado historiador e arqueólogo Ian Morris conta a terrível e...

Guerra na Imprensa ou Imprensa de Guerra?

A Guerra da Tríplice Aliança ou Guerra do Paraguai (1864 – 1870) foi a primeira na América do Sul a ter forte cobertura jornalística. Guerra de imensas proporções, jamais...

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