Mobbed: A Regan Reilly Mystery

Now in mass market, New York Times bestselling author Carol Higgins Clark delivers the fourteenth installment in her crowd-pleasing Regan Reilly mystery series, this one set on...

Jeremiah Connor

Create and manifest with your mind & universe!

Jeremiah Oei

Pat Mcmahon

Hear the latest from Pat McMahon, mornings on Y94 Syracuse.

Pat & Stu

Pat & Stu's own Podcast! Listen to the entire Pat & Stu show on your schedule, right here.

Pat Mcmahon

Morning show host for iHeartMedia on Y94, WYYY-FM Syracuse, NY. Morning show personality for Mix 103.3 in Binghamton, NY. iHeartRadio talent for 90s Classic Rock Stations...

Pat Conroy

The oldest son of a Marine Corps fighter pilot, Pat Conroy recalled his father's strict discipline in his novel, The Great Santini. His education at the South Carolina military...

Pat Thurston

Pat loves talk radio-- she says it not only allows for an exchange of ideas, but debate and conversation. Listen to her podcast here, and share her passion for staying informed....

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