
Podcast e programa de rádio sobre ciência, tecnologia e cultura produzido pelo Labjor-Unicamp em parceria com a Rádio Unicamp. Nosso conteúdo é jornalístico e de...

Comunicação Política: O Oxigênio Da Democracia

Comunicação Política, de Carlos Manhanelli. Depois de ler este livro, a primeira pergunta que vem à mente é esta: como alguém que entrou ou pretende entrar na política pode...

O Poder Do Espírito Santo

O Poder do Espírito Santo é um texto revelador sobre o Espirito Santo, seus frutos e como buscar o seu Mover.Um verdadeiro estudo bíblico sobre o Espírito Santo baseado na...

The Victory Of Faith

The Victory of Faith is one important bible study about the Christian faith.A book that will bring growth and knowledge about faith, salvation and invite him to live with greater...

Heaven - Its Hope

A great many persons; imagine that anything said about heaven is only a matter of speculation.Now there would not have been so much in Scripture on this subject if God had wanted...

Help For Your Sickness

Help for your sickness is one important bible study about the faith.A book that will bring growth and knowledge about faith, and invite him to live with greater intimacy with...

Justification And Glory

Justification and Glory is one important bible study about faith.A book that will bring growth and knowledge about faith, and invite him to live with greater intimacy with...

D. L. Moody - Why God Used

D.L Moody - Why God Used is an impressive book about the life and work of one of the most important preachers of all time.A book about faith and perseverance. Written by R.A...

Essential Points In Prayer

Essential Points in Prayer is one manual on prayer, its importance and necessity in the Christian life.A book that will bring growth and knowledge about prayer and invite him to...

Free Grace

Free Grace is one important bible study about the Grace of God.A book that will bring growth and knowledge about grace, salvation and invite him to live with greater intimacy with...

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