Richard II, Makers of History by ABBOTT, Jacob

Chronicles the life of Richard II, born in 1367 in Bordeaux, France, who later wore the crown of King of England. (Summary by Cathy Barratt)

Angel Coaches With Terryee Abbott

Terryee Abbott has been a spiritual clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient since she was a small child. Over the years she has used this gift to help build two successful...

Queen Elizabeth By Jacob Abbott

The history of a woman who rose above and beyond tragedy, grief and personal loss to become one of the most powerful figures in sixteenth century Europe is wonderfully told in...

Richard III (Makers of History series) by ABBOTT, Jacob

Jacob Abbott chronicles the unspeakably treacherous rise of Richard III to the throne of England in the midst of the war between the Yorks and the Lancasters and his ultimate fall...

William The Conqueror By Jacob Abbott

There are certain names which are familiar, as names, to all mankind; and every person who seeks for any degree of mental cultivation, feels desirous of informing himself of the...

Peter The Great By Jacob Abbott

There are very few persons who have not heard of the fame of Peter the Great, the founder, as he is generally regarded by mankind, of Russian civilization. The celebrity, however,...

Ace Abbotts Aviation Affair Allen Morris

{Ace Abbott utilizes the archives of his 36 year aviation career that took him to 44 countries for his aviation-themed interviews. His layover venues varied from tents in Korea,...

Alexander The Great By Jacob Abbott

Tutored by Aristotle, compelled to ascend the throne at the age of 20 when his illustrious father was assassinated, driven by a passion for expanding the borders of his tiny...

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