Time Regained

In this literary work (published posthumously in 1927) Marcel Proust is dying. He, looking at the photographs of his youth and brings to mind at that time. He remembers his...

Within A Budding Grove

In this episode, Swann has problems with her husband because of his former lover ,while her daughter Gilberte gradually becomes an attractive object of love to the Narrator. Then,...

Swann's Way

“Swann’s Way “ (Du côté de chez Swann) is the first volume of the work of Marcel Proust in search of lost time (À la recherche du temps...

Swann's Way : Remembrance Of Things Past, Volume One

"Remembrance of Things Past"  ("À la recherche du temps perdu" ) — is a novel in seven volumes, written by Marcel Proust (1871–1922).It...

¡demasiadas Putas, Demasiado Remo!: De Balzac A Proust: Consejos A Jóvenes Escritores De Los Maestros De La Literatura Francesa.

Desde la Epístola a los pisones de Horacio hasta las Cartas a un joven poeta de Rainer Maria Rilke, podríamos decir que los consejos a jóvenes escritores forman un género...

Product To Profit Podcast

Are you tired of working a 9-5 that you're not passionate about? Or how about those daycare costs that just keep rising and rising? Subscribe to Product to Profit podcast where...

Probst 2 Probst

"Yeah, that's gonna be a no from me dawg..." aka YTGBANFMD (the longer the abbreviation the better) is a podcast about reality Television! Featuring a guest, every episode, whom...

Marvel Missguided

Just two girls on a mission to watch all of marvel's media so you don't have to. (Yes, even the bad stuff.)

Marvel Talk

Broadcasting from aboard the Helicarrier, atop the Triskelion, or whatever secret SHIELD base they're operating in these days, comes MARVEL Talk, a podcast discussing all things...

Disney Marvels

This podcast is about all things regarding the Disney Company. We will talk about Marvel, Pixar, the parks, movies, TV shows, and anything else that is part of the Disney company....

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