Margarida - A menina do arco-íris lilás

Margarida não podia dormir uma noite sem antes olhar para o céu... Nesta narrativa mágica, papais e crianças irão embarcar em um mundo que ultrapassa as barreiras físicas e...

Suplemento Pernambuco #192: Fuga Em Lilás

Nesta edição, uma análise da poesia entre silêncios e loucura da argentina Alejandra Pizarnik, o carnaval em tempos pandêmicos, Gal Costa e as narrativas carnavalescas, Suely...

This Freedom With Lila Kimhi

, Dharma talks on Buddhist themes, Meditation Instructions and Inspiring Interviews

Lila Los Feliz Web Radio

Los Feliz Campus Students from the International School of Los Angeles (Lycée International de Los Angeles - LILA) host podcast episodes where 5th graders discuss various study...

Der Lila Podcast. Feminismus Aufs Ohr.

Sprechen Sie Feminismus? - Wir schon!

Las Mujeres De La Casa De Las Lilas

Septiembre de 1939. Tres mujeres en tres lugares del mundo viven el comienzo de la Segunda Guerra Mundial de manera muy diferente. Estados Unidos: Caroline Ferriday, pertenece a...

3d Lila: The Late In Life Athlete, A Journey In 3d

I am a late in life athlete with a twist. To keep myself on task, I have printed myself in 3 dimensions. Follow me on my journey that combines the struggles of weight loss, the...

Tales Of The Divine Lila Sri Krishna - The Dark Blue Lord Of Vraj

"If a person hears about, glorifies, meditates upon, worships, or simply offers great respect to the Supreme Lord Krishna, who is situated within the heart, the Lord will remove...

Ganesha - Ganesha Selections Read From The Lilas Of The Sons Of Shivas By Vanamali Mataji. This Podcast On Lord Ganesha

We worship thee O Ganesha!Who art the unborn, the absolute and the formless, The essence of bliss, yet beyond bliss.The indivisible and the infinite, the Supreme without...


a chatty podcast about reading, writing and publishing

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