Bilal Assad

Bilal Assad was born in Williamstown, Melbourne, Australia. He started his Islamic studies at a very early age and acquired his Shariah knowledge in Lebanon; and continued...

Interview President Assad Italian Newspaper Il Gio

Interview President Assad italian newspaper Il Giornaleaudio English

Assad Tells Belgian Reporter Belgium & Eu Merely

Assad tells Belgian reporter Belgium & EU merely obey 'US master' on Syriaaudio EnglishSyrian President Bashar al-Assad recently told Belgian media that their country and the...

04-13-2017 - President Assad Latest Interview

04-13-2017 - President Assad Latest Interviewaudio EnglishOn 13 April 2017, President of the Syrian Arab Republic, Dr Bashar Al Assad gave this far reaching, logical and coherent...

Bashar Al-assad Answers French Media 01-08-2017

Bashar al-Assad answers French media questions - January 8th 2017

Interview Bashar Al Assad Rt English/spanish 2016

West is telling Russia we went too far in defeating terrorists - Assad on Aleppo to RT Interviewaudio EnglishBashar al Assad & María Finóshina

Wer Hat Den Giftgasangriff Ausgeführt? : Steckt Assad Dahinter Oder Handelt Es Sich Um Einen Angriff Unter Falscher Flagge?

Am 4. April 2017 fand in Syrien ein Giftgasangriff statt bei dem 86 Menschen getötet wurden. Amerika hat der Regierung von Assad die Schuld für dieses Verbrechen...

Assaf Fm

Some musicians aim to viscerally excite through impact and tension, some strive to take the listener by the hand and guide them through a dense emotional journey. Rarely, someone...

Por Que Falar Em Morte Se É Primavera?

Nos oito contos reunidos em Por que falar em morte se é primavera? a autora Maria Leonor Lopes-Assad constrói, ora em tom confessional e intimista, em primeira pessoa...

Half Assed Heroes

Half Assed Heroes is a weekly podcast about gaming and movies and other entertaining things that peak our interest. Four of us debate the good, bad, and ugly in the entertainment...

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