From October to Brest-Litovsk by TROTSKY, Leon

This account by Trotsky is of the events in Russia from the October Revolution of 1917 in Petrograd, to his signing of the Brest-Litovsk treaty with Germany on 3rd March 1918...

From October To Brest-litovsk By Leon Trotsky

This account by Trotsky is of the events in Russia from the October Revolution of 1917 in Petrograd, to his signing of the Brest-Litovsk treaty with Germany on 3rd March 1918...

Josef Azam

Podcast by Josef Azam

Josef Lincoln

Podcast by Josef Lincoln


Semplicemente conosciuto come Stalin, fu segretario generale del Partito Comunista dell'Unione Sovietica e a partire dal 1924, instaurò progressivamente una dittatura...

Como Fizemos A Revolução - Trotsky

A Revolução Russa de 1917 foi um período de conflitos, iniciado em 1917, que derrubou a monarquia russa e levou ao poder o Partido Bolchevique, de Vladimir Lênin. A Rússia...


Leon é um leãozinho muito carismático que tem questões na escola, com os amigos, com a diretora. Todos acusam de Leon de alguma coisa, mas, no fundo, tudo o que ele quer é...

Leon M. ()

Raised on African beats (his roots), street culture, Hip Hop and Electro, either world of video games.Founder and DJ instructor/Producer at Koh Phangan ACADEMIX Dj School (since...

Josef Schmidt

Welcome to the Josef Schmidt podcast, where amazing things happen.

Josefs Frühlingsnacht

Joseph von Eichendorffs Gedicht "Frühlingsnacht" birgt so manche Geheimnisse. Was da so vor sich geht und warum eine Klassenarbeit darüber geschrieben wird, klärt sich in...

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