Pat Thurston

Pat loves talk radio-- she says it not only allows for an exchange of ideas, but debate and conversation. Listen to her podcast here, and share her passion for staying informed....

52? In 52

2 friends. 52 movies. 52 weeks. Countless opinions.Questions? Comments? Steven Spielberg looking to fight? Email us at!

Thurston Christian Church

Sermons from our Sunday Morning Worship Services.


Being a follower of Christ is more than just a Sunday morning gig - it's an all week long gig, 52 weeks a year. These sermons, recorded during worship at Hope Lutheran Church in...

52 Founders

A weekly podcast series with tech entrepreneurs that aims to uncover the founder's DNA.

52 Roads

This is a podcast for people on the road, made by people on the road. No matter if truck loader, merch guy or sound engineer - they all work in the mysterious rocknroll business...

Jaime Longoria

Hey everyone. I am the owner of where we specialize in web design and social media advertising.

Adolfo Jaime

America's Eating Habits

Jaime Elmasreal

Welcome to the Jaime Elmasreal podcast, where amazing things happen.

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