O Desejo do Papai Noel – José J.L

Certa noite, enquanto dormia, o Papai Noel teve um bonito sonho: era véspera de Natal e todos estavam felizes! Ninguém estava sozinho. Todos tinham família e uma casa com a...

Ella: A Stepmum's Tale

Sylvia Stark is a reporter determined to find a real story when she interviews Cinderella's Wicked Stepmother, Charlotte. Her life turns upside down when she discovers the...


J.D. Booth is publisher and editor of Lambton Shield, based in Sarnia, Ontario, Canada.

J.r. Salzman

The random musings of veteran, wounded warrior, and world champion lumberjack, J.R. Salzman, and the uncensored verbal version of his in-progress book, Lumberjack in a Desert.

Dina And The Giant Squid

Dina helps a fellow sea creature who is getting bullied and makes a new friend. She learns to beat bullies without using fists.

Dina And The Waterspout

Dina the Dinosaur gets sucked into a waterspout and travels to Loch Ness. She learns valuable lessons about being obedient from her adventure.

Dina And The Missing Shells

Dina learns the importance of looking after her shells and tidying up after she finishes with them

Dina And The Lightbulb

Dina learns the importance of sharing when making friends.

Dina And The Earthquake

Dina gets jealous when her parents have a new baby. In order to get attention, she causes an earthquake. She learns not all attention is good.

The Little Book Of Love - Quotes To Empower Your Journey Back To Love

I have a message! It is a message passed on by many of the giants of personal growth and spirituality. Honed and refined by the furnace of life's lessons, breaking and trials and...

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