Brasil Em Busca Da Paz

No livro "Brasil em busca da paz", o autor Ivamir Barcelos nos leva a uma jornada pela história do país, explorando os desafios enfrentados para alcançar a tão sonhada paz....

Barbell Chat

Two Personal Trainers chatting about health, fitness, nutrition and life...come listen!

Generation Barbell

Welcome to Generation Barbell Podcast. Follow along as Jason Newlan and Wes Jurden share their journeys towards success. Focusing on topics such as powerlifting, personal...

Ragamuffin Barbell

A Pastor and a CrossFit owner walk into a coffee shop.Pastor Tim Morey and CrossFit 310 owner Kris Germain share a love for CrossFit, training, leadership, and all things...

Barbells & Barbas

Somos el primer podcast de CrossFit® en Español.nos dedicamos a platicar de CrossFit® como comunidad en America Latina y Países de habla hispana.Platicamos, Criticamos,...

Barbells & Bs

Barbells & BS was born of a desire for three friends to find a way to get what they talked about in the gym to a larger audience of people. Matt Murphy, Justin Davis, and Vic...

Barbell Generation

With the evolution and the phenomenal growth of CrossFit more and more people from all walks of life are taking up the barbell sports. Young and old, seasoned or newbie, everyone...

Westside Barbell

The Official Westside Barbell podcast with strength guru Louie Simmons and Tom Barry

Barbell Monday's

It's International Bench Day So Welcome to Barbell Monday's as Your host Chris Doomes I'm the Founder of Barbell Armageddon and Barbell Monday's. My YouTube channel is a walk...

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