Sunne Ord: Henrik Røykenes

På kan du lytte til bibelundervisning fra perioden mellom 1955 og i dag. "... lik et tre, plantet ved rennende bekker."

Ghosts (version 2) by IBSEN, Henrik

A Family-drama in three acts. Like many of Ibsens better-known plays, Ghosts is a scathing commentary on 19th century morality. (Summary by Kristingj) Cast:Mrs. Helen Alving,...

Master Builder, The by IBSEN, Henrik

Henrik Ibsens The Master Builder, first published in 1892, is about architect Halvard Solness, who despite personal tragedy (including the death of his two sons) has risen to the...

John Gabriel Borkman by IBSEN, Henrik

John Gabriel Borkman is the penultimate play of the Norwegian playwright Henrik Ibsen, written in 1896. The Borkman family fortunes have been brought low by the imprisonment of...

Sunne Ord: Henrik Gautesen

På kan du lytte til bibelundervisning fra perioden mellom 1955 og i dag. "... lik et tre, plantet ved rennende bekker."

Med Henrik Lundqvist I Omklädningsrummet

Henrik Lundqvist, världens bästa hockeymålvakt, har tillbringat oräkneligt antal timmar i olika omklädningsrum. Därför är just omklädningsrummet det perfekta utrymmet...

Til Minde Om Prins Henrik

Ta' med på en mindetur rundt i landet og hør om nogle af de gode, fine og finurlige stunder, Prins Henrik har været med til at skabe for de mennesker, der har mødt ham. I...

Lady From the Sea, The by IBSEN, Henrik

The title character in Ibsens drama, Ellida Wangel, is married to a prosperous doctor, but feels stifled by her roles as wife and stepmother to her husbands two daughters by a...

Enemy of the People, An by IBSEN, Henrik

A small coastal town in Norway is experiencing an economic boom from its newly found hot springs. When Dr. Thomas Stockmann finds that the waters are contaminated and dangerous,...


Henrik Johan Ibsen (20 March 1828 – 23 May 1906) was a major 19th-century Norwegian playwright, theatre director, and poet. He is often referred to as "the father of...

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