Angel Food Time: Little Talks to Little Folks by BRENNAN, Rev. Gerald T.

This is the sixth and final volume of the Angel Food Series by Father Brennan. This volume consists of 28 charming selections with titles such as Six Red Roses, The Three Little...

For Heaven's Sake: Little Talks to Little Folks by BRENNAN, Rev. Gerald T.

This is the second book in the Angel Food series by the author. It consists of a series of short sermons for children, in the form of a charming story. The author was a Catholic...

Gesund Essen Und Leben - Der Podcast Mit Gerald Rauch

Gesundes Essen ist die Grundlage für unsere Fitness, unser Wohlbefinden und unsere Gesundheit. Hier erhältst du Tipps, welche Nahrungsmittel nicht empfehlenswert sind, und wie...

Achtsam Arbeiten Für Unternehmer Und Selbständige Mit Gerald Krumpen

Arbeite nur noch an den Aufgaben, die Dir Freude bereiten und eliminiere alles, was nicht positiv dazu beiträgt.

3 Science Fiction Stories

Three Science Fiction stories by the great Gerald Vance: Monsoons of Death is a very nice blend of horror story and a study of true bravery on the planet Mars. In Larson's Luck,...

Pure Formula 1 Radio Mit Gerald Michels / Gossip, Analyse Und Diskussionsstoff Für Das F1 Herz

Pure Formula 1 Radio ist DIE Show für eingefleischte Formel 1 Fans, Motorsportverrückte und angehende Rennfahrer, die ihre Leidenschaft zu diesem Sport mit anderen vertiefen und...

Jesus’ Silent Years, Foundations

This is a back story to the New Testament gospels, told by a Christian, who happens to be a clinical psychologist. This coming of age historical novel series of four books is...

Jesus’ Silent Years, Journey

Some studies report that the average person experiences about 60,000 thoughts a day and eighty percent of them are negative in nature. Journey’s fictional stories, embedded in...

Gerald's Game

Now a Netflix movie directed by Mike Flanagan (Oculus, Hush) and starring Carla Gugino and Bruce Greenwood. Master storyteller Stephen King presents this classic, terrifying #1...

Gerard Mclean

Picking my brain will cost you a fortune. No discounts. Author; Monkey with a Loaded Typewriter. Gerard McLean is a humor essayist disguised as a writer. As of the publication...

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