Uma Noite Com Audrey Hepburn

"Um dos melhores livros que li em séculos... A leitura 'mulherzinha' perfeita!"Revista RevealA falta de novidades no amor e a aparentemente interminável maré de azar...

According To Audrey

This is a podcast about a kid, Audrey, who asks questions and talks about a variety of topics with her mom and other guests.

Audrey & Abee Have No Friends

Audrey & Abee Have No Friends is a semi-bi-monthly podcast featuring two Angeleno millenials who have stuff to say.Abee is an aspiring comedy doer who consumes vast amounts of...

Audrey Hepburn Quotes And Believes: Audrey Hepburn Collection Of 50 Best Quotes

This Audrey Hepburn quotes book will allow you to see thru the beauty that made her famous, and have a real feeling of Audrey Hepburn biography in the way she view life in her...

Teasing Ellis: An Erotic Lesbian Romance (the Ellis Chronicles - Book 10)

Book 10 of The Ellis Chronicles - Ellis and Lynn are getting closer despite Katie's best attempts to divert them. Lynn's sparkling blue eyes tease Ellis at every turn and Ellis...

Lucy Ellis Therapy

Welcome to the Lucy Ellis Therapy podcast, where Lucy wakes you up to your awesomeness! A podcast for women.

Gaz Ellis' Podcast

Gaz Ellis Show #2. Great songs from some of the hottest upand coming bands.

Ray Ellis Sports

Okay sports fans heres your opportunity to discuss football - Americas favorite sport!! On an annual basis, millions of people attend, watch and listen to football both pro and...

Pleasing Ellis: An Erotic Lesbian Romance (the Ellis Chronicles - Book 11)

Note: This book contains some mature lesbian sex stories, sexual situations and explicit language. Recommended for ages sixteen and up.Book 11 In The Ellis Chronicles - Ellis and...

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