Village Coquettes, The by DICKENS, Charles

Before he started writing novels, Charles Dickens tried his hand at theater. The Village Coquettes is a two act musical. Sadly the music was lost long ago so this will be a spoken...

Pickwick Papers, The by DICKENS, Charles

The Posthumous Papers of the Pickwick Club, better known as The Pickwick Papers, is the first novel by Charles Dickens. Written for publication as a serial, The Pickwick Papers...

Pictures from Italy by DICKENS, Charles

e: Dickens takes time off his novels to give an account of travels which he and his family undertook in France and Italy. There are vivid descriptions of the places, but also of...

Charles Dickens by CHESTERTON, G. K.

G. K. Chesterton was a great admirer of Charles Dickens, and wrote a noted critique of Dickens works expressing his opinion in his own inimitable style. (Summary by Karen Merline)

Little Dorrit By Charles Dickens

Originally published in monthly installments between 1855 and 1857, the novel focuses on the various forms of imprisonment, both physical and psychological, while also...

Bleak House By Charles Dickens

Over twenty consecutive months, Charles Dickens enthralled readers with his monthly installments of the novel Bleak House, a complex and compelling portrayal of the English...

Slechte Tijden by DICKENS, Charles

Een vader met wetenschappelijke, onderwijskundige en opvoedkundige idealen past deze idealen krachtdadig en consequent toe op zijn zoon en oudste dochter. De effecten van deze...

Mopes de kluizenaar by DICKENS, Charles

Vertaling van Tom Tidlers ground het kerstverhaal uit 1861. Het boek is geschreven in samenwerking met Wilkie Collins, Charles Allston Collins, Amelia Edwards en John Harwood....

No Thoroughfare By Charles Dickens

Two boys from the Foundling Hospital are given the same name, with disastrous consequences in adulthood. Two associates, wishing to right the wrong, are commissioned to find a...

Hard Times By Charles Dickens

The shortest novel by far of Charles Dickens', Hard Times is also one of his most idea based works. In it, he launches a scathing attack on the prevailing fashion of believing in...

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