
Millennial humor with the back of a 90 year old


Welcome to the Celeste podcast, where amazing things happen.

A Cidade Celeste

A extraordinária história de A Cidade Celeste retrata a jornada de muitas pessoas que optam por se aventurar em uma vida que lhes traz ruína e os conduz à morte eterna. Por...

Notas Celestes

Esta obra transmite a beleza da Doutrina Espírita em poesias.Com a delicadeza e musicalidade você aprenderá os ensinamentos do Evangelho, sentindo em cada verso o despertar de...

Contemplação Celeste

Texto Bíblico: Atos 1:1-11 "1 fiz o primeiro tratado, ó teófilo, acerca de tudo que jesus começou, não só a fazer, mas a ensinar..."

Gay: 50 Shades Of Gay

“Just be gentle,” he said softly, cupping Allen’s cheek and tugging his lower lip free before kissing him again. His hand slid from Allen’s cheek to his shoulder, to his...

Castle Gay

Castle Gay is a novel by John Buchan. It is the second of his three Dickson McCunn books and is set in south west Scotland in the Dumfries and Galloway region in the 1920s. A tale...

Castle Gay

Dougal and Jaikie set off travelling the world, but first they must visit Mr Craw and his Castle Gay fully of mysterious characters.

Gay Drinking

Catholic School Survivors. They explain everything...over drinks.

Gay Ambitions

Gay Ambitions explores the topics of personal and professional development and features influencers, business leaders, and entrepreneurs in the LGBT community.

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