This Way To Heaven

Beautiful Jasmina Winfield is a thoroughly modern American girl who likes to make her own decisions. A skilled and daring horsewoman, she is used to taking care of herself and...

Riding In The Sky

Since the loss of her parents, the beautiful young Filipa Seymour runs the family’s ancient Manor House alone with very little money and only her beloved dogs and horses and...

A Heaven On Earth

Beautiful Aurora Hartnell is returning home to Hadleigh Hall for Christmas. Looking forward to seeing her elderly father Lord Hartnell again, she ruefully acknowledges that life...

Who Can Deny Love

Notorious throughout the Beau Monde as something of a Casanova, the dashing and raffish Virgo, Marquis of Fane, cares little for the swooning Society beauties who fall at his...

Joined By Love

Beautiful Lady Lucilla Welton is all alone in the world, having lost both her parents in a tragic accident. She has nowhere to go and so she stays with her cruel and distant Aunt...

Hiding From Love

Lively Leonora Cressy and her school friend, Isobel, have sworn never to fall in love. They prefer learning and books to men and scorn other girls whose heads are full of...

A Flight To Heaven

When two dashing gentlemen ride up to Rensham Hall, the ancestral Norfolk home of the beautiful Lady Chiara Fairfax, her world is turned upside down, as she and her mother are...

Love In The Highlands

When the Balkan Prince Stanislaus demanded an English bride, Queen Victoria decided to send him Lady Lavina, whose family had a slight connection with royalty. Determined to avoid...

Love In Hiding

After her stagecoach collides with the Marquis of Stade’s speeding curricle on the road to Blackwater, slender, golden haired beauty Gretna is somewhat at the mercy of this...

A Rose In Jeopardy

On a hot summer’s day in 1880 the beautiful Lady Rosella is cutting a basket of blooms in her beloved Rose Garden at her aunt’s house in Hampshire. It is her seventeenth...

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