Helping People Change: The Ultimate Guide to Using Your Visions to Help and Inspire People, Learn the Art of Empowering and Helping People Around You and Live With Purpose It is...
From the bestselling author of Girl Code and Like She Owns the Place!As women, we have become professional self-critics. We've become so convinced by society that we need to...
In the old days, trades were kept alive by Masters, who took on and trained apprentices into journeymen, who became Masters in their own right. We've lost that in most ways, but...
“Back from Heaven’s Front Porch” is about one man’s struggle to be alive again after an accident claims the life of his friend and nearly his own. After spending a few...
What Is the Real Secret of Obtaining Desirable Possessions?Are some people born under a lucky star or other charm which enables them to have all that which seems so desirable, and...
Progressive Waveline is an audio book of 65 sentiments that helps and benefits listeners, who are looking for a deep insight to resolving underlying issues within themselves and...
The greatness that INspired Leadership recognizes can’t be achieved. You can’t earn it. It cannot be bought. It cannot be found “out there” somewhere. This greatness needs...
Revealing Insights is an audio book of 64 sentiments that helps and benefits listeners, who are looking for a deep insight to resolving underlying issues within themselves. It...
Manifestations: The Complete Guide on the Art of Manifesting, Learn Useful Tips and Tricks to Effectively Manifest Your Goals and Dreams into RealityWe all have our greatest hopes...
You too wake up every day with the desire to change your bad habits, with the intention of doing something that makes you feel gratified and proud of you but ... Something happens...