Do you want to heal yourself through meditation? If yes, then keep listening!A large part of humanity knows the importance of balancing the chakras to keep themselves healthy for...
Have you ever been motivated to do something, but somehow you lose that motivation and end up doing nothing?Would you like to be motivated all the time no matter what?In this...
Why has this unique type of fasting only become established in the past couple of years?It’s simple, the fat cats of our food industry establishment have billions riding on the...
This book provides guidelines for evaluating the contribution of Spiritism to health. It is based on conferences presented in six European countries in October 2002 on the...
Most disease and illness is preventable and curable using natural substances.It's been said that every ailment we face as human beings can be remedied with something in nature....
The following notes are by no means intended as a rule of thought by which nurses can teach themselves to nurse, still less as a manual to teach nurses to nurse. They are meant...
Are you having a hard time when you have to go to bed?Would you like to fall asleep faster?In this hypnosis, you will be guided through the path of peace and tranquility for 30...
Are you trying to stop drinking but temptation wins you over?Would you like to find a way where you can finally beat temptation and stop drinking once and for all?In this...
Are you trying to stop smoking but temptation wins you over?Would you like to find a way where you can finally beat temptation and stop smoking once and for all?In this hypnosis,...
Paying for College: The Ultimate Guide on Scholarships, Learn Important Information and Tips on How to Get Scholarships to Get Funding For Your Dream EducationIf you cannot afford...