The adventures of a kind-hearted doctor, who is fond of animals and understands their language, as he travels to Africa with some of his favorite pets to cure the monkeys of a...
Pippinella, the canary with the marvellous voice, tells the Doctor the story of her life. Together with his animal friends, the Doctor determines to find Pippinella’s master...
Famous and Classic Science Fiction NovelCriminals, beware; the Scorpion is onyour trail! Hoodlums fear his fury—and,for that matter, so do the cops!
Three years on from Little Women, the March girls and their friend Laurie are young adults with their futures ahead of them. Although they all face painful trials along the way...
In this book E. Nesbit tells the story of six children named Dora, Oswald, Noël, Alice and H.O. Bastable and two children going to stay with them, Denny and Daisy. Children...
Li Boxuan out there, Sulan Zhi few people feel is not particularly good, always feel a little depressed, and finally, Murong incense or some could not resist, "Shu children...
Those are facts, experiences, that I lived during the age of childhood and adolescence, which was very beautiful. I expect you like it.
Phantasmagoria is the longest poem ever written by Lewis Carroll. This is a poem about a little ghost that visits a house with the intention of haunting it. Of course, this being...
"The Life and Adventures of Santa Claus" is a 1902 children's book, written by L. Frank Baum.Lyman Frank Baum (May 15, 1856 – May 6, 1919), better known as L....
The giant moth has brought the Doctor, Tommy Stubbins, Chee-Chee, and Polynesia to the Moon. As they explore this strange new world, the Doctor soon discovers how to communicate...