Happy Healthy Human Radio - Find Balance With Samantha Attard Phd, Ryt, Doula



These broadcasts deliver big life lessons in digestible packages. You'll find meditations, recipes, yoga, and lessons on gaining balance from Samantha Attard. Sam is a doula, yoga instructor, nutrition PhD, and coach who specializes in eastern philosophy and Ayurveda, the ancient Indian healing system. Listen and find bliss and balance in your every day.


  • 15 minute short and sweet yoga flow

    10/08/2018 Duration: 14min

    If it's been a few days, weeks, or months off yoga, this is a short and sweet practice to get you back into your body. I'm always amazed at what just a few mindful breaths can do for my energy and mood. Enjoy! If you like this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or share it with a friend. I also love to hear your feedback and questions! You can send me a message over on Instagram at @behapppyhealthyhuman.

  • The First 12 Hours of your Baby's Life!

    09/08/2018 Duration: 23min

    Most birth planning ends with the delivery of your baby, but there's so much more to it. Let's talk about what happens after that baby is out, so you can make the best start for your baby's life (and yours too!) In Today's Episode: -Why do we delay cord clamping? -The many benefits of going skin to skin. -What you need to know about delivering your placenta in a safe way. -Why all of those tests and measurements can be delayed. If you like this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or share it with a friend. I also love to hear your feedback and questions! You can send me a message over on Instagram at @behappyhealthyhuman.

  • A Million Ways to Meditate

    08/08/2018 Duration: 18min

    Today on the podcast, we're talking about all of the different ways to meditate, and why I think meditation is a critical skill in our current day and age. We'll finish with a short, 3 minute meditation that will leave your heart and mind feeling cleansed and renewed. In Today's Episode: -Why meditation is a critical skill. -All of the different ways that you can meditate. -How to bring a non-traditional meditation practice to a simple seated meditation. If you like this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or share it with a friend. I also love to hear your feedback and questions! You can send me a message over on Instagram at @behappyhealthyhuman.

  • Vegan Baking Tips and an Apple Cinnamon Bread Recipe!

    06/08/2018 Duration: 15min

    Vegan baking can be daunting! But after a decade of playing with all sorts of baking recipes, I have three great tips that will help you turn your favorite baking recipe vegan friendly. And, I'm sharing a recipe for vegan apple cinnamon pull apart bread - it's basically like an apple-filled cinnamon roll, just even more delicious. Let's dig in! Make sure you get the recipe for Apple Cinnamon Pull Apart Bread at BeHappyHealthyHuman.com! If you like this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or share it with a friend. I also love to hear your feedback and questions! You can send me a message over on Instagram at @behappyhealthyhuman.

  • 45 minute vinyasa yoga to find your flow (PMS-friendly, too!)

    03/08/2018 Duration: 46min

    Life has been feeling pretty off-kilter the last few weeks with the ever changing weather here in Washington, DC. So in honor of the very vata-pitta weather we've been having, this practice is designed to help ground you while still maintaining fluidity and lightness. This combination means that it's also perfect for PMS or the start of your period: the more you soften the low belly muscles and uterus, the less cramps and the more ease you'll have in your period. This is a fun, challenging practice. Enjoy! By the way - the yoga podcasts have been the most popular here at Happy Healthy Human Radio, so I'd love to hear from you about the types and lengths of sequences you'd like to see more of! Drop me a line at sam@behappyhealthyhuman.com. If you like this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or share it with a friend. I also love to hear your feedback and questions! You can send me a message over on Instagram at @behappyhealthyhuman.

  • Got big goals? Let's WOOP!

    02/08/2018 Duration: 10min

    We all have goals. Maybe you make 5 year plans, set monthly intentions, or just try to make it through the day. No matter your time scale, there's a scientifically-proven way to make your dreams a reality: WOOP! WOOP is a process developed by Dr. Gabrielle Oettingen to combine aspiration with practicality. Luckily enough, this 6 minute process is something that all of us can do for goals big and small. In today's episode: -What is the WOOP process and why it's so important. -How to apply WOOP to your daily routines. If you like this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or share it with a friend. I also love to hear your feedback and questions! You can send me a message over on Instagram at @behappyhealthyhuman.

  • Preparing for a cesarean delivery (even if you're low risk)

    01/08/2018 Duration: 17min

    Birth is....unpredictable. So with my clients I always focus on exploring ALL of the options and all of the scenarios, so that there is no surprises when it comes to your birth. Cesarean deliveries is one of those things we don't like to think about, but with a 33% cesarean rate in the US, we have to. In today's episode: -How (or if) you can tell if you're going to have a cesarean delivery. -What a gentle cesarean delivery is. -All of the options you can ask for to make cesarean delivery an empowering and positive experience. If you like this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or share it with a friend. I also love to hear your feedback and questions! You can send me a message over on Instagram at @behappyhealthyhuman.

  • The voices in your head and how to find your inner mentor

    31/07/2018 Duration: 21min

    So maybe you've noticed that your brain chatter can get loud. All of the voices inside your head are telling you what to do, what to stay away from, and how to conduct your best life. But sometimes the voices are in opposition, so how do you know which one is the "real" you? In today's podcast, I'm sharing why NONE of these voices are the "real" you, how to cultivate the conditions for good decision making, and a meditation to get in touch with your inner mentor. In today's episode: -What the voices in your head are saying. -Who the "real" you actually is. -How to make better decisions with less stress. -Finding your inner mentor and getting the advice you ned. If you like this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or share it with a friend. I also love to hear your feedback and questions! You can send me a message over on Instagram at @behappyhealthyhuman.

  • 25 minute after work yin yoga

    27/07/2018 Duration: 27min

    Work is fun and all, but all that time at a desk can really cramp your style (and your muscles). In this yin yoga sequence, we'll particularly target the shoulders and hips so that you can move on from your workday with positive energy flowing through your whole body.   If you like this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or share it with a friend. I also love to hear your feedback and questions! You can send me a message over on Instagram at @behappyhealthyhuman.

  • Is that your energy leaking?

    26/07/2018 Duration: 22min

    Dang! This episode got real deep, real quick. Today let's talk about energy. Energy is the currency of our world, and it transcends both mental/emotional and physical. We're going to talk about why we have to be more aware of our energy, the sneaky energy drainers in our world, and how to find the beautiful sense of wu-wei - powerful, present energy - in our ever yday. In today's episode: -Why energy is our life currency. -What drains our energy. -What it feels like to have high energy reserves. -How to cut off our energy leaks. If you like this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or share it with a friend. I also love to hear your feedback and questions! You can send me a message over on Instagram at @behappyhealthyhuman.

  • Vegan gluten free coconut chia energy balls!

    24/07/2018 Duration: 11min

    In Ayurveda, there are 6 tastes, 3 of which balance pitta and 3 of which increase pitta in the body. Today I'm sharing a delicious energy ball recipe that's perfect for pitta season. In today's episode: -What tastes help pitta come into balance. -My pitta pacifying vegan, gluten free coconut chia energy ball recipe! If you like this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or share it with a friend. I also love to hear your feedback and questions! You can send me a message over on Instagram at @behappyhealthyhuman. Find the recipe at http://behappyhealthyhuman.com/happyhealthyhuman/vegan-gluten-free-coconut-chia-energy-balls

  • Why having a birth plan is so important and how to create one

    23/07/2018 Duration: 14min

    So I used to think that birth planning was for high-maintenance controlling types...and boy was I wrong. Birth plans aren't about naming the outcomes of your birth or pretending that you can control how your birth progresses. It's about being clear on your values for the *process* of your birth and the vibe you want in your birth space. In today's episode: -The three reasons why birth plans are so important (including one super surprising one!) -How to create your birth plan so the nurses want to read it. If you like this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or share it with a friend. I also love to hear your feedback and questions! You can send me a message over on Instagram at @behappyhealthyhuman.

  • 45 minute vinyasa yoga to celebrate infinite possibilities

    20/07/2018 Duration: 44min

    Today's yoga practice is for celebrating the infinite possibilities in the future. We'll ground down into our present moment so that we're firmly anchored and ready to take the steps needed to build the future that we want to see! This practice is an intermediate-level flow. Feel free to take it up or down as you need!

  • Your future starts in your present

    18/07/2018 Duration: 09min

    Today's podcast is a super important look into TIME. From the infinite possibilities of the future to our realities of the present, you'll learn how to achieve your dreams, one step at a time. Plus, I'm sharing my favorite tool for getting things done: WOOP! In today's episode: -Why stress happens in past and future, not present. -The reality of what the future holds. -How to bring your future into the present to get things done. If you like this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or share it with a friend. I also love to hear your feedback and questions! You can send me a message over on Instagram at @behappyhealthyhuman. Learn more about upcoming events/offerings at behappyhealthyhuman.com!

  • The most underrated part of your birth plan

    17/07/2018 Duration: 10min

    Time for another audio/video episode of the podcast. This podcast is all about an important part of your birth plan: what's going to happen in your car ride to the hospital. It sounds silly, but your car ride plays a huge role in your mental/physical wellness when you get to the hospital. In today's episode: -Why the car ride is an important part of your birth plan. -What questions to ask yourself as you prepare for your labor. -What questions to ask your partner/driver to have a positive experience on your ride. If you like this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or share it with a friend. I also love to hear your feedback and questions! You can send me a message over on Instagram at @behappyhealthyhuman.

  • Monday motivation according to your Ayurvedic dosha

    16/07/2018 Duration: 15min

    Happy Monday! Let's get your Monday motivation revved up this week by talking about how your motivation and, goal setting, and follow through differs depending on your Ayurvedic dosha. We often think that there's one prescription for "balance" in our life - we think that we need to have a certain amount of time at work, or home, or with family. Not true! Balance looks different for everyone, and by exploring your Ayurvedic dosha, you can find out what projects and priorities make the most sense for you. In today's episode: -How motivated you feel depends on your dosha. -Which doshas need help goal setting and which need to work on follow through. -When to actually DROP projects. -Plans for setting better goals according to your dosha. If you like this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or share it with a friend. I also love to hear your feedback and questions! You can send me a message over on Instagram at @behappyhealthyhuman. Check out behappyhealthyhuman.com for more!

  • 30 minute vinyasa yoga to balance your 5th chakra

    13/07/2018 Duration: 31min

    Today's yoga practice is for balancing your 5th chakra and toning your voice. The 5th chakra is centered at the throat and is how we communicate with the world. The throat chakra is what allows us to express our inner world and our values. We need to learn to speak with integrity and love, which sometimes means keeping quiet. On the other hand, we need to speak up for what we believe in and share our truth. In today's practice, I'll help you find the balance between open and closed.   If you like this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or share it with a friend. I also love to hear your feedback and questions! You can send me a message over on Instagram at @behappyhealthyhuman.

  • Cooking for Two Different Doshas

    12/07/2018 Duration: 11min

    Just when you think you've figured out your Ayurvedic dosha, you realize that your partner or roommate doesn't have the same dosha as you. Now what do you do? I think it's safe to say most of us don't have time to cook two meals every night... That's why in today's podcast, I'm sharing how to cook for two doshas in the same meal. That way, you can stay sane, minimize your time in the kitchen, and still balance your body and mind. In today's episode: -What flavors and foods to favor for each dosha. -Three ways to adapt your food to be balancing for all three doshas! If you like this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or share it with a friend. I also love to hear your feedback and questions! You can send me a message over on Instagram at @behappyhealthyhuman.

  • Hydration During Pregnancy and a Call to Action

    10/07/2018 Duration: 13min

    This is Happy Healthy Human Radio's first audio/video episode! I did a Facebook Live all about this topic of hydration during pregnancy and I wanted to make sure it was shared here on the podcast as well. We're talking all about hydration during pregnancy. I have a very important tip to reduce unnecessary labor inductions! There's also a call to action to support pregnant women currently being held in detention centers in the United States. In today's episode: -Why hydration is so important for both pregnant people and their babies. -How hydration can prevent unnecessary labor inductions. -How to get more water -How to provide needed aid to pregnant women in detention centers. If you like this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or share it with a friend. I also love to hear your feedback and questions! You can send me a message over on Instagram at @behappyhealthyhuman. Donate here: -https://actionnetwork.org/campaigns/endfamilyseparation -americanimmigrationcouncil.org

  • Want to change someone's mind? Here's what to do.

    09/07/2018 Duration: 18min

    Maybe you've noticed that you don't agree 100 percent with everyone in your life. People take jobs you don't think they should, date people you don't like, or have certain habits you think are unpalatable. What do you do when you want to change someone's mind? In today's episode: -Why telling someone what to do never works. -What your frustration says about you. -How to actually influence behavior in people around you. If you like this podcast, please leave a review on iTunes or share it with a friend. I also love to hear your feedback and questions! You can send me a message over on Instagram at @behappyhealthyhuman.

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