Relax With Meditation

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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This Podcast will help us to see the world from a different perspective so that we gain more clarity, understanding, health, happiness, spirituality and success in our life. Many people think success, money, and sex are contradicting spirituality and religion. It is even so that Religion became a business to extract money from the faithful people. Money and sex became evil so that Religion could exploit the people.


  • Episode 38 - A glimpse of the Lord - Kailash Chora


     I desired for years, to do a Kailash Chora…. Was it an Ego trip, or Challenge or spiritual desire?The Kailash Chora is the most famous Pilgrimage for the Hindus and Tibetans. For the Hindus represents Mount Kailash, Mount Meru the place where the God Shiva lives. It is not allowed to climb Mount Kailash, so the pilgrims go around Kailash, which is called Kailash Chora. The stunning altitude is on this pilgrimage trek mainly between 5200m and 5700m and is about 50 km long…  Finally, I booked the Kailash Chora, and we drove with the bus from Kathmandu to Dunche, the starting point of the Kailash Chora trek. I repeated always in my mind the famous Shiva mantra and got blissful, sometimes I cried for Shiva,... Awesome experiences...Just before we arrived there was a terrible accident just in front of us… A car passed by our bus and crashed with the speed of 80km/h in another car…. Both cars were destroyed and one car flipped upside down… I just saw a hand hanging out of the car that flipped upside

  • How is it to be alone?


     To be alone is to be in a weird company...?Here start the problem, that we feel uneasy to be alone, that we afraid to go alone to a place, to ask strangers, instead to enjoy it.... Sometimes we feel minor because we are alone or we think nobody loves us. The problem is, that we think that other people think bad about us, when we are alone.... In reality nobody is caring for us, when we are alone under strangers. Everybody is focused on himself, even when we are together with somebody, we are not that important .... Everybody lives in his/her world.... so that we even remain alone, if we are exchanging our opinion....Now comes the point, it might be provoking: Franz Kafka said: If I would tell you everything from me, all the suffering I went through... you still can't understand me... Oscar Wild: I am my greatest mysterious, - this means we even can't understand ourselves, how we can understand other people. Hans Fallada wrote the book: Every man dies alone.... and so he lives.... With other words:

  • The Mass is always wrong!


     Or why people don't like to help in an accident...There was a study ( published: Psychology Today), if the first 3 people who arrive at a car accident and don't help the accident victim/victims;  for the next people it will be more difficult to help, because of the group pressure not to help. If there are more than 20 people looking and not helping, it will be very difficult to help....this means the only looking people will even abuse or hindrance the helper....The philosopher Earl Nightingale said it simple.... If there are two groups, a big group and a very small group going in opposite directions, and we always  chose to follow the small group in our life, we will make rather no mistake in our whole life.... This means, mostly of the time the mass is always wrong....For instance, I went trekking in Nepal; in the night I entered the hotel restaurant.... and the porters/ mountain guides were smoking, and the tourists were sitting on a fare most distance table and not smoking.... I got angry,

  • For what we need compensatory satisfaction?


     We see and hear children demanding for sweets. In reality they want love, can't get that and so they want sweets. After some time it gets chronicle, the desire for love is suppressed and only the desire/craving remains for sweets. As grown-up, we use eating of sweets and other junk food for suppressing of our fear and all the other feelings. When I was making the Primal intensive group, (that means: 14 days releasing of the baby hood traumas,14hours/day) it was forbidden to eat sweets instead to eat fruits.... The craving of sweets subsides... and we got condition to substitute sweets for fruits...  one of the best groups that I have ever done...If we do a task that doesn't satisfy us or we have a problem that we can't solve, we want some how a gratification for it....If we don't get the satisfaction we want a compensatory satisfaction.... this means for instance: over eating, eating junk food or sweets, smoking, taking drugs to calm us down, shopping,  looking TV, lose our time in search

  • TONY ROBBINS - His SECRETS Revealed!


     Most people don’t know what they want.And their focus is on that, and that they get.First step, what do I really want? …  And why do I want it?The why is more important than the what.There is always a gap between where we are and where we want to be.Next Step: Massive action and you changeYou become more by facing these challenges.You learn and grow.Everything moves in cycles. When you want to understand something:First, You check and look for:Pattern recognition.Pattern utilization. It is nice to see the pattern, but it is better to utilize that pattern… You become a great investor, and businessman when you do so.And you are not fearful anymore.Afterward, you create your own pattern…New stuff is coming: AI and you want to utilize it instead of fear it…Many things are coming in cycles.The 4 season. Springtime, everybody is optimistic, you put the seeds into the soil.Summertime, is challenging, it is too hot, so you have to water your plants.Fall, you are reaping your f

  • The worst times are the best!


     Looks really masochistic.... For sure the meanings is not that we are looking for suffering or hardship...  The meaning is rather more that we learn to appreciate our difficulties and to be thankful for that, instead to blemish our circumstances or people, be it our spouse or chief...The Sufis are saying build your enemies a throne... because we profit from them at most and not from our friends who confirm our personality instead to challenge us to become better...If we see the hardships as learning opportunity instead of complaining or fighting against our hardship, we profit from every hardship... After we had realized that our attitude was wrong or that we have been wrong or that we have to adapt to the situation and that not necessary our world (how we conceive) was right.... our personality changes...and so us or our world. We become open for new opportunities, start a new life...The greatest opportunities in our life are during our worst suffering/hardships, where we can connect with God/Alla

  • First accept and then change..


     Without acceptance, we can’t change our situation.We all have many desires and want them fulfilled. The problem is that we think if we can’t modify the situation then we can’t be happy… And this is wrong. Everybody has seen an unhappy couple, followed up with the separation and changing the partners… Guess what happens, that both spouses previous together, were running into the same problems, then they had been before. Just to like to be rich, and to work like crazy to become rich is not enough, because then we will also loose very fast our wealth.And this goes for every change in our life.If we CAN’T accept the situation where we are in, then we CAN’T change the situation… we still remain in the same problems… This means we have first to change inside, to get another or better outcome.I didn’t have any chance to get a girlfriend until 25 or worse to have a lovely and sexy relationship… My mother and my sister could not understand it, they said, you are total attractive to women, and you shoul

  • How to Work WITH Your Anxiety to HEAL Your Life


     John DelonyBuild a not anxious life.What is the root of anxiety? You hear the smoke Alarm…Something is on fire.You smell the smoke.If you are anxious it means,Your body is working perfectly and you feel you are not safe.We want to run away or to distract from our anxiety.Anxiety can be our friend, a crippling friend, or an annoying friend.How to get out of chronicle anxiety? I don’t want to live in a house with a smoke detector, because it is not safe?Instead, ask yourself why your body wants to tell you that you are not safe?If you have identified that you are lonely and deep in debt...Your body would fail if he would not tell you that you are so deep in debt.Instead of distraction look to solve your problem… then you can sleep.Addiction is linked to anxiety.Addiction means putting a pillar around the smoke detector so that you can’t feel the anxiety. For instance, drugs and distraction. It is easier to be occupied and distracted than to be vulnerable Because we want to numb ou

  • The Greatest Secret - Love


     This will be very provocative and had been always…If we read: “The conference of the Birds” from Farid-ud-din Attar… from the greatest Sufi, Martyr of Love…. (died 900 years ago) Then we understand that true love is much more powerful than to renounce the world… Even it is the same…. Because if we surrender total (not 99%) to love to our darling, so that we (our ego) will die in the love … then for sure no worldly good will attract us anymore… because true love is much more. Our sexual life will not be important… because the love burns our ego and to the same time our body get satisfied and who cares for a dime (sex) when he has already a Billion (love)…. So that our sexual desires are emerged in our love and get transformed … If we renounce the world and live in Celibacy (I have done so for 10 years) then our body don’t get what our body needs,- sex. Our suppressed sexuality causes diseases …Lets go deeper in love…  Where is love is God or Allah!Imagine Whitney Houston, this great and very be

  • What is the meaning of our life?


     Looks like a big issue? If we ask a happy child, what is the meaning of your life, it will not understand us… Because the meaning of life has nothing to do with happiness… If we have goals in our life, then these goals are like places on a map that we like to visit… it has nothing to do, how we travel and how much fun we have.For instance, as an 8-year-old child, I want to become an engineer and I could hardly learn to speak and to write. It was not possible to reach this goal … When I became an engineer after so much hardship, I experienced one of my worst life crises. Because I suffered too much for just such a stupid degree.Then I made therapy like crazy and were meditating every day … And I experience moments of incredible love, true happiness… Again what has this to do with the meaning of life?The reality is, that we want to connect with the Divine, with our life, with our self and that we want and need real love … We get hooked up with some substitutes for real love, happiness and think that

  • Is it possible to be perfect parents…?


     After a research in Germany, 95% of the mothers think that they are perfect… What for a nonsense!!!!!We don’t need to be perfect as parents, we need only be loving and forgiving. We know that we don’t have the children under our control and so not their education. Still, we can give them our love, compassion and forgiving….If we have a seed of a tree and if we put it in the right soil and give it water, the tree will grow. We don’t have the tree under our control, that we really can determine how the tree will grow with all the branches, trunk and the leaves and this is beautiful. We only need to give the seed the right soil, enough water, and fertilizer. There are so many ego trips from the parents to model their child in a particular direction instead to let the child grow individual and to give the support that the child needs to become the best for itself. What I mean, my parents want for instance, that I become a businessman and not an engineer or Meditation Master….The next mistake

  • Agatha Christie Quotes


    I like living. I have sometimes been wildly, despairingly, acutely miserable, racked with sorrow, but through it all I still know quite certainly that just to be alive is a grand thing.One of the luckiest things that can happen to you in life is, I think, to have a happy childhood.Good advice is always certain to be ignored, but that's no reason not to give it.One doesn't recognize the really important moments in one's life until it's too late.Where large sums of money are concerned, it is advisable to trust nobody.Very few of us are what we seem.An archaeologist is the best husband a woman can have. The older she gets the more interested he is in her.Invention, in my opinion, arises directly from idleness, possibly also from laziness - to save oneself trouble.Any woman can fool a man if she wants to and if he's in love with her.Too much mercy... often resulted in further crimes which were fatal to innocent victims who need not have been victims if justice had been put first and mercy second.The happy people

  • Why is silence so important?


     Because we want to relax, Don’t like to give our attention to the outside world, To preserve our energy if we stop speaking, listening and thinking…To gain easier peace in our mind. If we simultaneous work and speak then our work will suffer from that or our dialog with the other person or both. Instead, we work full concentrated to give our best to get our outcome and be relaxed. Many people speak continuously omit the silence because they feel insecure….  Almost all Chit Chatters speak over meaningless things and scared to tell what concerns them, what is important, omit to say honest their opinion, or like a politician to say in many words nothing.If we like to communicate effectively, then we tell in short and accurate words our information, and if necessary we explain it, then everything will be great. That is communications. And the other time we don’t speak…Silence is Gold, speaking is Silver. (Bible)People talking without speakingPeople hearing w

  • We should avoid toxic people?


     Toxic people should be: Who are violent…Always criticize…Forever negative…Playing victim…How would it be, if we look for the good in every person and for the toxic inside or ourselves?  The world would be much better!!!!!Every great guy is looking for the good, otherwise we are just a vehicle from our negative mind, who wants us to protect and so is looking for the danger or the negative. Fault finding in other people is the worst sin after the Srimat Bhagavatam.Before we judge we should judge ourselves…Who is without fault should cast the first stone… (Bible)Maybe we understand that what we see is what we have inside of ourselves… Our mind compares his world with the outside world, what is not inside our world our mind can’t see… Our sins we see first at other people (Goethe).We attract what is inside of ourselves.Everything what we see is a reflection of ourselves.The greatest enemy is inside of ourselves …and not that the so called toxic people… Because our mind repeating inside o

  • With Rewards, you can't enjoy work!


     By Prof. Andrew HubermanLooks contradicting?Rewards for working, don’t make sense?Do it because you love it instead of doing it for a reward.Imagine you let a group of kids draw pictures…The kids have fun … Then You give every kid for drawing a picture a reward…After some time, the kids who love to draw pictures no longer draw any pictures without getting a reward.Even worse drawing a picture is for the kids, no fun anymore. Prof. Huberman explains the reason… The brain produces the neurotransmitter Dopamine to get something accomplished and then we feel good.When the kids could draw pictures without a reward, the brain also produced Dopamine… so drawing was fun.After giving a reward for drawing a picture, the brain didn’t produce additional Dopamine during the time of drawing.After the picture was ready, the brain produced Dopamine…The goal is the path!It is the journey, not the destination, that is the reward.Strategies:1. Don’t spike your dopamine before effort or after effort, but get

  • Why we break our promises?


     We had decided and then we got a new option, a desire that contradicts our first choice… Never less we should stick to our first choice. Otherwise, we become weak.. we condition us to be weak, we don’t respect ourselves and are becoming a person that runs behind his/her desires and never will get what we want; never will get peace in our mind. Our mind always creates new desires so that we can’t fulfill all of our desires, maybe only a few. We concentrate after the 20/80 rule (20% of our work brings 80% of the outcome… ) on the greatest desires and the other desires we let go. And then we take steps to fulfill our desires and ignoring our new desires….Sure there are always some exceptions, where we should change our decision… For the weak person, there is always an exception. We write down our promises and read them again and again, so that we never forget them, the best time for that is, when we go to bed and when we go out of the bed. When we had kept our promises, we celebrate that eve

  • Why we fight and argue?


     It is evident that people love to argue and to fight…Otherwise, we would live in a peaceful world. Science had proved that during our normal birth, we are going through our worst struggle, fight, trauma in our life. If the birth is an abdominal delivery, the birth trauma is missing, and the personality of this child will never get so strong than through the normal birth. This means we are born to fight and need to fight at least with our ego, to get the things done. This perfect harmony that the (old) New Age movement or positive thinker are proclaiming will never happen for our species.Which arguing we should avoid? Arguing of: we don’t want to lose our face.We want to feel a nearness to the other person and like to destroy the distance to the other personality… In arguing with the emotion, we feel much more from us and the other. When we are intimate together for a longer time, then we want distance and start to argue about meaningless things.We want to be right and think that

  • Don’t become comfortable


     IT IS EASY TO LET GO OF OUR LIFE STANDARDS, …Because life is easier.If we are doing every morning our workouts to remain fit and healthy…Still, our workouts hurt us, are uncomfortable and our friends don’t do so…  For what?If we don’t do them, we lose our respect for ourselves and become lazy, fat, unfit, unhealthy… In the end, we need to do them… Even Arnold Schwarzenegger, age 75 years old, is going every day to the Gym and he has heart problems… He says, I have to accept my weak heart so I do my exercises slowly. I can’t change my situation, but still I want to be in shape.If we do always the same and expect to become much more successful, …This will not happen. We have to change ourselves and do the things that are necessary to get or become what we want.Again, we have to do a job or a task, that is uncomfortable. The Hindu scripture Vedanta tells us if we have the choice between doing the comfortable or the good … Choose always to do the good. Because the comforta

  • When the solution becomes the problem.


     This means the previous solution must not be the right solution now. There was a test where a person should find out, which pairs of numbers should match together, for instance, 13 and 87, or 45 and 89… Over hours the person had been questioned with different number pairs and got direct the answer (matched or not matched) if he was right or wrong. Nobody could find out the system. Still, the people who had voted right to 75% or more could not be convinced that their system was wrong…. And so we are… When we have found out the solution for a problem, then our mind will stick to this solution and can’t adapt to new solutions, like the animals…. Even the answer is wrong. Our mind is not working correct…. How many times our mind has changed our past memories to get a particular outcome?  Our mind is rather more the best liar. Still, we believe in our mind!!! Because our mind is manipulated from our feelings and subconscious. If this is so, then we can understand that the o

  • Why our life should not be a journey?


     A journey always has a beginning and an end… If we concentrate on the destination, instead to enjoy the whole journey, we lose a lot. Similar did Amma (Mata Amritanada Mai Devi) with us, when we were traveling with Buses through India, then we stopped ca. 5 to 20km in front of our destination and could not get our baggage down and to move inside of our rooms… Sometimes we had even on the journey for over 24 hours in cram-full buses … My ego was impatient like crazy to get the things done, I had to buy my fruits… It was just like the movie: The Fugitive (with Dr. Richard Kimble)  It is an escape from our lives to the death. We have to do it. Instead of that, we concentrate that we are happy and fulfilled at this moment. Don’t run behind anything (Zen). Even everything looks imperfect and not ready. Still, we should do our tasks in a relaxed way. If we hear music do we concentrate only on the end, or do we enjoy the whole song…? How is it, that our life becomes a Symphony or a Rag

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