Relax With Meditation

Is it possible to be perfect parents…?



 After a research in Germany, 95% of the mothers think that they are perfect… What for a nonsense!!!!!We don’t need to be perfect as parents, we need only be loving and forgiving. We know that we don’t have the children under our control and so not their education. Still, we can give them our love, compassion and forgiving….If we have a seed of a tree and if we put it in the right soil and give it water, the tree will grow. We don’t have the tree under our control, that we really can determine how the tree will grow with all the branches, trunk and the leaves and this is beautiful. We only need to give the seed the right soil, enough water, and fertilizer. There are so many ego trips from the parents to model their child in a particular direction instead to let the child grow individual and to give the support that the child needs to become the best for itself. What I mean, my parents want for instance, that I become a businessman and not an engineer or Meditation Master….The next mistake