Relax With Meditation

The Mass is always wrong!



 Or why people don't like to help in an accident...There was a study ( published: Psychology Today), if the first 3 people who arrive at a car accident and don't help the accident victim/victims;  for the next people it will be more difficult to help, because of the group pressure not to help. If there are more than 20 people looking and not helping, it will be very difficult to help....this means the only looking people will even abuse or hindrance the helper....The philosopher Earl Nightingale said it simple.... If there are two groups, a big group and a very small group going in opposite directions, and we always  chose to follow the small group in our life, we will make rather no mistake in our whole life.... This means, mostly of the time the mass is always wrong....For instance, I went trekking in Nepal; in the night I entered the hotel restaurant.... and the porters/ mountain guides were smoking, and the tourists were sitting on a fare most distance table and not smoking.... I got angry,