Relax With Meditation



This Podcast will help us to see the world from a different perspective so that we gain more clarity, understanding, health, happiness, spirituality and success in our life. Many people think success, money, and sex are contradicting spirituality and religion. It is even so that Religion became a business to extract money from the faithful people. Money and sex became evil so that Religion could exploit the people.


  • Incomplete actions/stories keep attention


     Until we have finished it, it will not be over!Unconscious or conscious, we still keep thinking of the tasks that are not complete.If we finish a job or a task we shut a door to open a new door of opportunities.Still, many people don’t complete their jobs and so keep living in a not fortunate place. They can’t focus fully on any task and inside they are torn into the gaps between their incomplete tasks.They keep themselves in the struggle of the past. Many times we can’t complete a task because it is not possible.So then we should let go of the task inside of us and accept the situation.Still, it drags us somehow down.Imagine you are in the final separation process from your spouse…You suffer a lot and abuse yourself and/or your spouse for the separation…We have to accept the separation and we look for the beauty of the imperfection…Life is different than we thought. Still, the world is perfect and will remain perfect, even after the separation… Until we can’t close the door of separ

  • What have the Disasters to do with God?


     We can not blame God/Allah for any disaster or bad luck… Because we are responsible for our life. There was a Guru who was teaching faith… His disciples went into the jungle to collect wood, and then a wild elephant troop was encountered them. One disciple didn’t run away, instead were facing the wild elephants. The other disciples were calling him: Go! But he didn’t move…  The elephants run over him… After he recovered, the Guru asked him, why you didn’t run away? He said only I had faith in God. Could you not hear God shouting: Go, through the mouths of the others?If we are open, then we see, hear, recognize the warning for a disaster quite before it happened.  I had warned the people for the nature catastrophes/ stock market crashes, nobody believed me as usual, … I said 2005, we are running in nature catastrophic cycle (every 650 years) and the stock exchange crash cycle (every 50 years, and every 10 years) … This means, the world has his cycles/mechanics, and they run witho

  • Beyond desires!


     Yes, I want to provoke you….Beyond of our desires is peace, divine love, bliss….And what is about our desires?We all need challenges that let us become who we should become. And these challenges are driven mainly through our desires. We need to know, which desire we should live. We have desires that are necessary for our soul, inner growing… For instance: artists who driven from their soul, like painters, musicians…, people who are really obsessed from their desires to create something meaningful, who sacrifice their life for that…. to be a great loving mother or father who want that their child will realize their own desires and not necessary the desires of their parents…  We have ego driven desires … to become a great pop star, instead of getting great in music, art… to become the CEO instead of to become a great leader who serves the firm and the customer… To become a great spiritual Master, instead of to serve the people, to serve God unconditionally, to surre

  • What we do for our self, determines our life.


     If we are together with our spouse then we want to do everything together, because we love our spouse.What is if our spouse doesn’t like:To go up early in the morning and to exercise?To meditate/pray everyday?To make therapy?To have a healthy breakfast?To be a vegan?To save money instead of over spending?To make goal setting?To live a healthy life, instead of to eat junk food, industrial processed food?Or what is if our spouse like:To See TV every night instead of making love, meditate, exercise, talk, play with the kids?To smoke?To lie and cheat?To gamble?To take drugs and to drink a lot?Go shopping and to overspend… ?We have to chose for ourselves individual what is right for us, regardless what our spouse prefers. Otherwise we never get the things that we want, we make our spouse responsible for what we didn’t had done because of him/her…And what is if our relationships ends, we are bankrupt, because of overspending; fat, drug addicted, lazy, unmotivated, purposeless, in a bad shape,… At the end it c

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