Relax With Meditation

What we do for our self, determines our life.



 If we are together with our spouse then we want to do everything together, because we love our spouse.What is if our spouse doesn’t like:To go up early in the morning and to exercise?To meditate/pray everyday?To make therapy?To have a healthy breakfast?To be a vegan?To save money instead of over spending?To make goal setting?To live a healthy life, instead of to eat junk food, industrial processed food?Or what is if our spouse like:To See TV every night instead of making love, meditate, exercise, talk, play with the kids?To smoke?To lie and cheat?To gamble?To take drugs and to drink a lot?Go shopping and to overspend… ?We have to chose for ourselves individual what is right for us, regardless what our spouse prefers. Otherwise we never get the things that we want, we make our spouse responsible for what we didn’t had done because of him/her…And what is if our relationships ends, we are bankrupt, because of overspending; fat, drug addicted, lazy, unmotivated, purposeless, in a bad shape,… At the end it c