


Mindfulness meditation is not a thing it is an activity of doing. It is a key to an eight faceted practice capable of freeing us from discontent. Being mindful is being deeper than the ocean, stronger than practiced aversion, quicker than chronic bad habits, and easier than pie!The Mindfuling podcast frequently includes guided meditation, talks, interviews, sounds, and prior to episodes M#180 a fictional serial radio drama entitled Hot Zombies Cool Buddhas. More at http://www.mindfuling.orgPlease note: No podcast is a substitute for real live meditation with other humans. But it is a nice supplemental for the audio-minding!


  • M#263 Anticipatory

    12/12/2020 Duration: 17min

    Not present in the relaxed sense of awareness is a hallmark of being in anticipation. There is a feel, a feeling-tone to anticipation. It is a form of disconnect and discontent when it persists. Notice how it feels in the body, in the mind and in the heart and just being with the breadth is known for its peace. Anticipation happens, but you have a choice in how much it occupies your heartMind. Keywords: COVID, mindfulness, meditation, practice, breathe, body, awareness, holidays

  • M#262 Pandemic Fatigue

    04/12/2020 Duration: 22min

    Ever fresh is this practice. Regardless of conditions. Time disappears. The story recedes. Ease of body, mind, heart in parity. Awake. A different kind of sitting is this meditation. Wakefulness. Tired happens but Pandemic Fatigue is optional. Keywords: Meditation, quiet, language, refrain, sensations

  • M#261 Post Aerobic Brains

    23/11/2020 Duration: 19min

    Not simply thinking better. Not simply calming down. Not just after working out. Insight into the workings of your mind. Your heart. Your body. Keywords: Basketball, rest, clarity, sitting, quiet, open, eyes, quiet 

  • M#260 Holly Wood

    13/11/2020 Duration: 14min

    Sound concentration out in the woods. Many distractions may present. Can't control the world, shouldn't expect sameness. Keywords: Nature, standing, sound, variables, distraction, fascination, present

  • M#259 OakleyDoakly

    07/11/2020 Duration: 16min

    Using the sound of Fall as an object. Outside meditating. Standing, maybe sitting. Keep it coming back to the sound that is available. White Oak, Red Oak, Blue Jays and combustible engines. It's all good, as they say and it is if you keep it simple, present and wakeful. Keywords: Tree, Forest, Tradition, Quercus, Leaves, Bell, Acorns, Doggos

  • M#258 PunkPop Timing

    30/10/2020 Duration: 02min

    Practice daily a little bit. A pop song's timing, what will fit comfortably on the B side, or even the A side. You have to get regular, daily. Gradually this will grow in time and maybe even frequency. Eventually you will WANT to practice intensively for hours of the days but start slow and steady. Meditate. You don't have to turn it into a big production to get started but eventually don't be surprised if your sitting for sides of long players, CD lengths even, Operatic Cycles... Keywords: Ramones, Wire, Buzzcocks, Breath, anapanasati, Buddha

  • M#257 Squat!

    22/10/2020 Duration: 05min

    Outside and going easy on the knees but still in a squat and listening to the leaves fall down. Soft gaze, not scanning, relaxed and at ease in and width. A short practice. Keywords: knees, earth, close, easy, fall, listening to what comes and goes, traffic, crickets, birds, outside, connected 

  • M#256 Friendly Pain

    16/10/2020 Duration: 17min

    Pain is inevitable for all but the tiniest fraction of humans. Get to know it through practice, s l o w ly, over time and it does not get worse. It doesn't morph into suffering. But you have to practice when the pain is relatively low but a real physical experience.  Keywords: dukkha, mindfulness, meditation, cabinetry, caffeine, allergies, foggy, neti, sensation, foundation, breath

  • M#255 The Door of Anxiety

    09/10/2020 Duration: 16min

    The option other than "thinking" your way out of anxiety takes practice. Mindfuling is that practice. Keywords: Dog, Past, Obsessions, preparation, overdoing-it, meditation, breath, body, posture, ease, awareness

  • M#254 Light

    01/10/2020 Duration: 11min

    Gathering your attention with the help of light. Using the sense door of sight encounter light, and notice when you have started to leave the light. Not a figuring, out or in. Keywords: Concentration, sight, definition, phenomena, ease, insight, ssimc, classes

  • M#253 Present_ing Ambience

    25/09/2020 Duration: 13min

    Ah, to sit outside. How divine, under a majestic oak tree, to meditate. But then— that sound, that sound and that sound. Working with what is in the available ambience of your now. Keywords: mindfulness, presence, concentration, nature, ambience, ease, acorn, dog, practice, fear, cyber security, business, bitter, quercus, pendunculate oak

  • M#252 HazyBright RoundySweet

    17/09/2020 Duration: 11min

    Getting to know a bright light for upping energy while meditating. A lot like a hazy star. One astronomical unit— how sun centric we be... And then there is the sense of smell. An olafactory object of encounter and a concentration practice very wave-like. Keywords: Wildfire, weird weather, global warming, light meditation, headaches, smell, Concord grape, fruit, incursion, grape vines, sublime, candy, nature, jelly, preserve

  • M#251 Sound Object

    10/09/2020 Duration: 10min

    Using sound as an object of meditation. Collecting your attention, the calming that comes about, is more about your HeartMind settling. Keywords: hen of the woods, focus, sound, attention, union, reality, ambient environment, traffic, voice, language

  • M#250 Walking Hen Woods

    03/09/2020 Duration: 17min

    Went looking for some delicious mushrooms in the forest, didn't find any but I did find a brighter present in the rain. Noticing and practicing while limiting distraction. Practicing walking meditation designed to awaken not entertain. Keywords: Hen of the wood, mushroom, rain, walking, forest tradition, oak, simplicity, adjustments, white pine, change

  • M#249 Excited

    28/08/2020 Duration: 09min

    How to practice with excitement. How to practice wisely when not excited. How to practice across all conditions. The posture taken depends on many things, but often a walking meditation can be a great "posture" with which to practice when excited. Keywords: Daily Meditation, simple, body, path, conditions, auctioneer, chill

  • M#248 When Weary

    20/08/2020 Duration: 13min

    Standing meditation is the way to practice when certain conditions are present. Its not all about sitting this practice, this regular practice of meditation. Keywords: Standing, Body, Gaze, sway, energy, awakening, appropriate posture, sloth, torpor, tired, spent

  • M#247 Quite Quiet

    09/08/2020 Duration: 28min

    A practice where the guidance is mostly before the sit. So in this episode a whole lotta "silence" is recorded as we practice. This is a closer simulation to what you should be working towards daily — practicing without recordings of any sort. Really get to know the heartmind, the machinations of your being that occur, and see really see those movements. Awareness is bigger than mind... keywords: practicing, self, others, insight, pandemic, tinnitus, sitting, meditation, prompts, breath, zen, online 

  • M#246 Intensity and Ease

    08/07/2020 Duration: 35min

    We practice everyday, gradually, getting steadier with what is, mindful of the body, able to see the patterns of mind, of action, steady with even subtle, even strong triggers or events. Equanimity becomes a known. Keywords: Eight Fold Path, mindfulness, rabbit, bunny, corona, covid, anger, sadness, reality, control, knowing, breath awareness, space, time, options, No!, prat fall

  • M#245 Pandemic Not Nothing Practice

    01/06/2020 Duration: 37min

    This idea of emptying your mind and not doing anything is mostly a misunderstanding of what meditation is pointed towards. Practice and know. A whole lotta breath awareness as an object and focus is practiced and a whole lotta pandemic context brought in and befriended. Checkout www.ssimc.org for online classes that may be available amidst the pandemic Keywords: breath, breathe, ease, relaxation, mind, isolation, ideal, concepts, mindfulness, insight, sati, buddha,

  • M#244 Pandemic Practice

    30/04/2020 Duration: 18min

    Pandemic Practice on forest's edge location. Sound rich. Mindfulness. From despair to natural relaxation. Keywords: Stupidly, opening up, contained, COVID, ssimc, stay-at-home, ease, Spring, antibody, string of time, zoomed, sight, sound

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