


Mindfulness meditation is not a thing it is an activity of doing. It is a key to an eight faceted practice capable of freeing us from discontent. Being mindful is being deeper than the ocean, stronger than practiced aversion, quicker than chronic bad habits, and easier than pie!The Mindfuling podcast frequently includes guided meditation, talks, interviews, sounds, and prior to episodes M#180 a fictional serial radio drama entitled Hot Zombies Cool Buddhas. More at http://www.mindfuling.orgPlease note: No podcast is a substitute for real live meditation with other humans. But it is a nice supplemental for the audio-minding!


  • M#243 Passing Time

    02/04/2020 Duration: 22min

    A bit of a raw field recording, sheltering-in-place and all that and a body and a flow of sound. Stay at home. Stir-crazy. Keywords: raw, virus, pandemic, reality, soundfield, soundrich, wind, rain, worldwide, ease, presence, social distancing, hunker down the link: www.patreon.com/mindfuling

  • M#242 Sounds of Fire

    29/02/2020 Duration: 20min

    Awareness of aspects of fire is a practice. It can be a practice that focuses on just the sounds of fire. There are lots of different sounds of fire. Listen. Practice. Wakeup. Hey, announcing that I now, pretty much have a Patreon page. What is Patreon? Its a platform through which I can share a whole lot more of the dhamma in different forms if you are interested. Click here to go there! Keywords: meditation, mindfulness, awareness, fire, elemental, burn, waveform, change, carbon, pratyahara, sense contraol, yoga, buddha, peace

  • M#241 Happy New Decade

    31/01/2020 Duration: 20min

    Conceptually simple, practically not so simple. Mindfulness of breath, of body. Its not one and done. Intention and practicing. Remembering and reminding. Cultivating wakefulness. Contact. You being you. Keywords: Body, mind, heart, lunar new year, awake, meditation, practice, relaxation, seeing, buddha, sensation, ssmc

  • M#240 A Very Metta Mindfulness (fear is over)

    30/12/2019 Duration: 21min

    Mindfulness meditation by way of breath and sound and oh, what sounds you will hear! Thanks John and Yoko! Merry New Year. Mandolin, this is the way, I have spoken, Mandalorian, Lennon, Ono, breath awareness, vipassana, insight, synphonia, Metta, Goodwill, Lovingkindness, clarity, ssimc, buddha

  • M#239 The Point

    15/11/2019 Duration: 48min

    Practice, guided for letting go and practicing, practicing beyond the limits of sound, and mantra. TM. Nick Cave. Into My Arms. Ghosteen. Greed. Fear. Delusion. Peace. Connection. Beatles. Release the Bats. Birthday Party. The Bad Seeds. Evolution. Root poisons. The Way. Insight. Buddha. 

  • M#238 Gulp!

    15/10/2019 Duration: 20min

    Statues and trappings associated with religion can really and does really impede individuals from learning and practicing meditation. For some the trappings are a delightful trapping that attracts them to such a degree that they think the statues and writing and incense are the practice. Just practice. Focusing on the felt sense of the body is a great cleanser of all those thoughts. Turn off the podcasts and practice, most of the time. Gulp! Keywords: Religious Gulp, mindfulness, sensations, standing, sitting, lying down,  Awake, easeful, Buddha, Gotama, Therevada

  • M#237 Deep Real

    15/09/2019 Duration: 16min

    Some guided sound field encouragement. Body can fail you now. Deep fake. What is real. What is practice. Frosting and pie.    Keywords: Mindfulness, meditation, body, foundation, contact, sensation, robot, deep fake, ai, hemisphere

  • M#236 Not Real

    09/08/2019 Duration: 35min

    How to practice mindfulness meditation with guidance amidst the distortion of life. How to understand what it is you are not getting when you practice via podcast. Noise. Cancelation. Relief. Mind. Play! Here is a link to the to be staged "Play" from the Mindfuling... DIY book.   Keywords: Body, Concentration, Serenity, Papanca, Discontent, Happiness, Barnstable Comedy Club, Thespians, Mindfulness, 

  • M#235 Not Dead

    08/06/2019 Duration: 23min

    Practice a bit. Stay with it, let go of the habit of trying' to figure it out whilst practicing. I know, it is so nice to figure stuff out but, but that is not what you are doing. Its what you are doing most of your non present time! Stand, sit, practice. RIP Grumpy, clearly not dead... Keywords: meme, tardar sauce, cat, meditation, foundational, stand, dhammapada, sati, appamada, contact, nibbana, awake, silence, concentration, samadhi, happiness, grumpy cat, pain, suffering, posture

  • M#234 Lullaby Not

    08/05/2019 Duration: 19min

    Not just relaxing and zoning out. Not just 10% happier. Active concentrated awareness that is responsive, even when the doggo makes it presence felt. Respond.  Keywords: awareness, compassion, mindfulness, cake, icing, ache, suffering, relaxation, patting, need, reality, book, requirements, canine

  • M#233 Foolin'

    01/04/2019 Duration: 16min

    Conditions and context matters to discerning accurately. It ain’t as simple as speaking objectively truthfully no matter what. Moment to moment, how do you practice, how do you keep sharp and relaxed and relaxed and... Keywords: April fools, change, suffering, discontent, practice, fun, meditation, mindfulness, skillful, speech, culture, spring

  • M#232 Cycles

    26/02/2019 Duration: 15min

    Practice daily, don’t count on another or a special time or mood. Practice, get to know the present. Simple but not easy to maintain so practice. Practice. And practice. Keywords: Mindfulness, meditation, awareness, awake, daily, story, vortex, busy, excuses, extra, hibernation, torpor, sleep, awake

  • M#231 Ahktic Vortex

    31/01/2019 Duration: 20min

    Practicing with what you got and letting go and placing awareness in your consciousness. What is really going on. Dropping the story overlay. The weather is happening — so use it. Practicing awareness.  Keywords: Sensation, first foundation, cool, tingle, pressure, safe, core, peace, daily, really, Marvin Gaye

  • M#230 Ch-Ch-Changes

    11/01/2019 Duration: 01h09min

    Excerpt from a sitting, guided, and a long talk on Change, TS Eliot, Bowie, discontent, but mostly that olde reliable change. Keywords: eightfold path, discontent, meditation, mindfulness, concentration, intent, memory, story, ego, timeless, New Years, breath, dhammapada, bhikkhu Thanissaro, Buddha, distillation, path, four noble truths

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