


Mindfulness meditation is not a thing it is an activity of doing. It is a key to an eight faceted practice capable of freeing us from discontent. Being mindful is being deeper than the ocean, stronger than practiced aversion, quicker than chronic bad habits, and easier than pie!The Mindfuling podcast frequently includes guided meditation, talks, interviews, sounds, and prior to episodes M#180 a fictional serial radio drama entitled Hot Zombies Cool Buddhas. More at http://www.mindfuling.orgPlease note: No podcast is a substitute for real live meditation with other humans. But it is a nice supplemental for the audio-minding!


  • M#283 Chipper

    01/10/2022 Duration: 17min

    In a very real way, instrusive sounds are gifts when practicing! Hear it and practice being with the conditions you can't control. This dosn't mean you don't at times wisely adjust conditions, like turn down the AC when it not needed etc.

  • M#282 Extremely

    19/07/2022 Duration: 23min

    Hot enough for you? Cold enough? Is it now enough for you!? What is the story and what is the reality? Practicing with extremes requires you to notice them first, last and always. Put another way be actively mindful. Being with the sensation of extreme heat is a relatively easy practice, object, to be with. Recognizing when pain has been approached and adjusting is the wise thing to do. Often a simple adjustment is part of the practice not the end. Note: this recording has more wind buffeting noise than usual so adjusting your bass or volume is recommended.

  • M#281 With Aloft

    15/06/2022 Duration: 17min

    Practice where you actually are. Understand you will have to adjust your expectations to match your likely conditions, quickly and openly to maintain the relaxed and awake quality of being. It's good to practice in relatively novel spaces. www.ssimc.org for online meditation class info.

  • M#280 Paradox Clapping

    15/04/2022 Duration: 32min

    It has been a busy spring, this longish episode does some catching up! Its not a riddle! Not a puzzle! Sometimes a question but without a logical, linear sort of answer. The more you wisely practice, the more you wake uP. rss link to the newish Now, Dhammapada podcast mentioned Keywords: paradox, mindfulness, breath, body, koan, view

  • M#279 Sit A Lot

    28/02/2022 Duration: 18min

    Practice in your car. No waiting. No shopping. For real, all the sounds and sights and barks are a part of the mindfulness.   *** For my new Dhammapada centric podcast Now, Dhammapada (mentioned at the end of this episode) try here: awakewax.substack.com Soon, you should be able to find it on your favorite podcatcher ***

  • M#278 Lighting

    31/01/2022 Duration: 12min

    The object of light. Photons. Object with which you make contact. Collect your attention, bring it back to the light. Artificial or natural. Work with the available visibly changing. Yes, blink! Energizing... Keywords: Change, meditaton, mindfulness, blink, shadow

  • M#277 BeginEnd

    31/12/2021 Duration: 31min

    Understanding the difference, the conditions of your practice, compared to not practicing with the podcast. Also very different than being in a class. Mindfulness of body, often is the place to begin and end, regardless of conditions. What to try, when you have too much energy or perhaps too little energy whist sitting. Awake AND relaxed. Not sleeping. Not hyper alert. Mindfuling...  

  • M#276 Night Out

    22/11/2021 Duration: 17min

    Practicing outside is different. Especially in the Fall. What is available, obvious? Work with it. Practice every day, not like this but like with what you really have going on. Sound meditation. Awake. Standing is wakeful. Keywords: Lite, Light, Dressed, Cold, Cool, Sound, 

  • M#275 Walkin the Dog

    15/10/2021 Duration: 14min

    Can you be mindful while walking the dog? What are you doing? Pretty complicated if you... are trying to do too much. Simplify and pay attention to your companion. Walking the dog is doing something very complicated compared to sitting and you are likely very connected to a very different sort of being with a very different set of interests! Amazing. Keywords: Canine, coffee, walk, nosey, tension, attention, mindfulness, woof

  • M#274 Stand Out Letting Go

    04/09/2021 Duration: 17min

    Prpacticing standing meditation outdoors is just awesome. Real and potentially confusing. Keeping it relatively still you will see a crazy mind, becalmed over time!  Even amidst a pandemic there is great flexibility being developed. Keywords: Insight, Presence, conditions, mindfulness, sound, heartmind

  • M#273 Blueberry Mind

    26/07/2021 Duration: 20min

    Picking blueberries mindfully and listening to someone pick blueberries in your space/time are very different activities... Keywords: Mindfulness, insight, outside, blueberry, cultivation, practice, relaxation, wakefulness, sweet

  • M#272 Contact Listening

    17/06/2021 Duration: 14min

    Listening outside, a lot to contact with the shifting weather. Sound is a type of contact and with a podcast we can share this slice but there is more... Keywords: ambient, rain, sound, feel, object, collecting attention, 

  • M#271 Bench Sit

    26/05/2021 Duration: 21min

    Practicing awareness of sound outside sitting on a bench. Sitting differently than you might usually sit, on a bench, matters. Working  with what actually is and focusing attention. Simple practice, but not easy...  

  • M#270 Continuity LandMindScaping

    30/04/2021 Duration: 23min

    Cultivating ease and awareness from a relatively still body to a body in contact to a body investigating with the same sort or ease and awareness allows a peaceful seeing and perhaps knowing.  keywords: body, sound, field, bird, contact, movement, conditions and investigation

  • M#269 Sound Rich Presence

    24/03/2021 Duration: 18min

    Working with the pleasant sonic conditions is not the same as just enjoying. Awake and relaxed in a collected moment to moment presence is practiced.  Keywords: Mindfulness, sound, birds, dinosaurs, distraction, pleasant, noise, rooster, flicker, cardinal

  • M#268 Roosters Cardinals Moxie

    08/03/2021 Duration: 10min

    Ambient object. Spring is a doodling. Being outside being with what ya got. Not a listening and flowing more of an active movement to moment hearing and let-go-ing into hearing. Again and again. Quite rich in these New England conditions. Bright red cardinals, deep blue jays, the swoosh of automobiles in the distant wash. Oh, and surprise a canine bell! Standing. Wet wooshes. Keywords: mindfulness, roosters, loud sounds, unexpected, change, totality, standing, posture

  • M#267 Marshmallowing

    20/02/2021 Duration: 10min

    Practicing outside in the snow. A very fluffy marshmallow world is one way of describing these conditions. So, I work with what I got. You? Probably different for you but you do have conditions. Perhaps subtler. A fan. Contact is the object. Keywords: epidermis, body, mindfulness, clear, intention, crunchy, future, past, ease, wakeful

  • M#266 Crunchy Walking

    08/02/2021 Duration: 18min

    Walking outside after a snow storm. Formal meditation, under these conditions, the sound of walking is really prominent. We can work with this. Not an exploration, it is a focused easeful practice that is appropriate for these conditions. Listening as a podcast your practice will be a bit different but you can still use sound as an object. If the timing is right an online retreat opportunity: February 14, 9am - 12pm EST, please go to www.ssimc.org/registration for more info. Perhaps I will see you there! keywords: mindfulness, meditation, northeast, snow, weather, body, owls, presence

  • M#265 Wicked Cold

    31/01/2021 Duration: 03min

    Mindful of a cold, wind-licked body. For a little bit. Easy to notice and to be with, but ya don't have to make yourself ill. If your inside this practice of weather upon the body may be more difficult but less uncomfortable. Inside you can safely stay with the practice. Outside in relative challenging conditions less time can be the wise practice. Keywords: awareness, foundational, wind, weather, mindfulness, snow, crunch, quick

  • M#264 Capital Long View

    25/01/2021 Duration: 59min

    An edited recording of an online (errr, pandemic still raging) class concerning Wise View offered on the day of the storming of the US Capitol by the profoundly deluded. The Four Noble Truths, the Eightfold Path and a whole lot of examples of how to get to know discontent and its HUGE range. Guided meditation occurs deep in the recording. Keywords: Buddha, outrageous, reality, life, conditions, don't like, ssimc, knowing, ignorance, experience, story, dukkha, sukha, sedition, cat, dog

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