Mountain Zen Den Podcast



Self-Development & Simplicity for Nature LoversThe Mountain Zen Den Podcast is the place to connect with Nature for Personal Growth & Simple Living ~ offering daily motivation, inspiration and meditations all inspired by the natural world to help you achieve success in having the life you've always wanted.


  • MZD - Ep 57 Knowing (Intuition)

    27/03/2018 Duration: 05min

    “No matter how sophisticated you may be, a large granite mountain cannot be denied – it speaks in silence to the very core of your being” ~ Ansel Adams “Be still and know that He is God.” ~ Steven Curtis Chapman Welcome to Day 7! You have made it through the first week of the 21-Day Nature Challenge! There’s something magical that happens to a person after having spent considerable time in Nature. You have been learning, or re-learning how to use all of your senses, and to be mindful whenever you step outside. Remember when you were a kid, how easy and natural it was to take in more of the world?  You just did it naturally.  Everything was new and your eyes and ears, and entire being was wide open to the experience.  The outside world was an amazing and magical place to be in!  It was always inviting you to come explore, climb trees, jump in puddles, dig tunnels, catch fireflies, collect rocks, build forts and just play! Guess what? It hasn’t changed, we have!  Somehow along the way as we grow up we begin t

  • MZD - Ep 56 Putting It All Together (Full Awareness)

    26/03/2018 Duration: 06min

    “I arise today through the strength of heaven; Light of sun, radiance of moon, splendor of fire, speed of lightning, swiftness of wind, depth of sea, stability of earth, firmness of rock. ~ Saint Patrick Your deepest roots are in nature.  No matter who you are, or what kind of life you lead, you remain irrevocably linked with the rest of creation. ~ Charles Cook Welcome to Day 6! Putting It All Together (Full awareness) Now that you have begun sharpening all your senses, (or at least the ones you are aware of) one by one, in a mindful way out in nature, it’s time to just step back and be aware of what just happened. You willingly chose to focus on one sense a day in nature, sight sound, smell, touch and taste in the present moment.  As this happens, whether you know it or not, you are practicing mindfulness. When we meditate, mindfulness isn’t about shutting thoughts out, but about being aware of them and strengthening your focus muscle. It has been said that trying to keep thoughts from coming into your he

  • MZD - Ep 55 Taste & See

    25/03/2018 Duration: 07min

    Day 5 ~ TASTE & SEE! “One must ask children and birds how cherries and strawberries taste.” ~ Johann Wolfgang von Goethe Hey there {{ subscriber.first_name }} So how are you doing on the 21-Day Nature Challenge?  Are you finding it difficult staying on track and doing this challenge every day?  If so, don’t be discouraged. Life gets in the way, as they say.  It’s a normal thing.  And the whole point of the challenge is to be able to take an ordinary day and make it extraordinary by living in the moment, whatever the moment brings.  Doing it in Nature gives an added benefit of beauty, peace and health & fitness by getting outdoor exercise, sunshine and fresh air - all good for the body, mind and spirit. So if you miss a day or two, or aren’t able to do everything on the checklist, we just want to encourage you, and remind you that whether you’re seeing or noticing any immediate improvements in your mindfulness, weight loss or whatever other reason you’ve chosen to do this, the point is, just by doing a

  • MZD - Ep 54 Touch

    24/03/2018 Duration: 07min

    “Forget not that the Earth delights to feel your bare feet, and the winds long to play with your hair.” ~ Kahlil Gibran “Earth's crammed with heaven... But only he who sees, takes off his shoes.” ~ Elizabeth Barrett Browning Welcome to Day 4! You are on a roll… Way to go! By now you are probably aware that you are generally most comfortable in using only one or two of your five senses. This can be eye-opening, (or nose-opening as we smelled yesterday). We have millions of specialized touch receptors in our skin and tissues, which send touch signals to our brains. These receptors all respond to touch, pressure, temperature and pain. Many animals, such as cats have an advantage over us. Their whiskers, which are very different from the fur on their bodies are actually touch receptors embedded deeper than their shorter top-coat fur. These hairs are connected to their nervous and muscular systems acting as sensory nerves and helping it to respond to changes in its surroundings. This helps them “see” with their bo

  • MZD - Ep 53 Wake Up & Smell the World

    23/03/2018 Duration: 07min

    “Every flower is a soul blossoming in nature.” ~ Gerard De Nerval Welcome to day 3! Our intention for the day is to follow our noses. Or at least pay attention to the gift of smell. The practical purpose of our proboscis’, (that is our noses), is one of the most overlooked, (pardon the pun), powers we have been bestowed with. While animals have a much greater ability to use their noses for tracking and differentiating between vast numbers of varying smells, the human sense of smell is still quite acute. In fact, we can recognize thousands of different smells. This is because we have around five or six million odor-detecting cells high up in our nasal passages. On the other hand, rabbits have about a hundred million of these, while dogs have more than twice that number. Good luck in a smelling contest with the creatures of the wild world! Still, studies have shown that given the intention and opportunity, we can get pretty good at using our noses to track. In fact, we’ve been given two nostrils so that we ca

  • MZD - Ep 52 Listening

    22/03/2018 Duration: 05min

    “The word ‘LISTEN’ contains the same letters as the word ‘SILENT’”. ~ Alfred Brendel “Listening is about being present, not just about being quiet.” ~ Krista Tippett Welcome back! We are learning to be more appreciative and grateful for all of the natural goodness in our life.  It’s about intentionally noticing the simple things everywhere around us. Today we are going to use another of our God-given senses.  Hearing. Have you ever truly stopped and thought about what an amazing gift sounds are?  Frequencies vibrating at different rates can make an amazing variety of noises, tones and even music!   Sounds can be quite pleasant, or they can range from being minor annoyances to being downright harsh and painful. In nature, sounds at times, are there to give a warning; from a distant roll or nearby clap of thunder, to an approaching predator, or an alert that a large waterfall is up ahead.  Sounds are also used by animals of all types to attract their mates, or warn their competitors, “This is my territory, stay

  • MZD - Ep 51 Beginner's Eyes

    21/03/2018 Duration: 05min

    “There’s so much beauty around us for just two eyes to see, and everywhere I go I’m looking…” ~Rich Mullins Welcome to the is special edition of Mountain Zen Den - The 21-Day Nature Challenge Day 1! - Beginner's Eyes - Learning to see as if for the first time... Welcome to Day 1! We’ll begin with this thoughtful and active meditation for the day. Today you begin your journey to a new life in a new world as you start to see everything through fresh eyes with a mindful heart. Now there are two things you need to commit to as you begin: Set an “Intention”. Take a few thoughtful moments to write in your Nature Journal exactly what you hope to get out of this 21-Day adventure. It could be something as simple as – “I want to be more mindful”, or “I want to develop the habit of practicing meditation, so that I can be a calmer, more focused human being.” It may be that you want to learn how to manage the stress in your life, or you may simply just want to learn how to slow down and live in the present moment. Lear

  • MZD - Ep 50 Get Outside ~ Now!

    19/03/2018 Duration: 14min

    “Every day is an opportunity to find ways big and small to transform our lives and to grow spiritually.” ~ Bobby Williams   There is a Norwegian concept known as “Friluftsliv”. Hard to pronounce, but a great philosophy to live by. Basically it’s about being outside as much as possible. It’s come to embody Norway’s cultural love affair with Nature. First introduced in 1859, Friluftsliv refers to uplifting ambience. One of the best ways you can enjoy the simple moments in an uplifting ambience in life is by going for regular walks. There are many reasons you should head out the door and take a walk right now.  Here are just a few of them - Fresh air Sunshine Exercise A Treat for All of Your Senses Get Fresh Perspective Elevate Your Mood A good walk outdoors can uplift your spirit, release endorphins and elevate your mood. Walking in nature is the best natural anti-depressant! Over the counter and available for all! And finally… It’s Good for Your Brain! Regular exercise changes the brain to improve cognitiv

  • MZD - Ep 49 - Self-Development Through Nature

    12/03/2018 Duration: 15min

    “What the false self fears more than anything else is change.” ~ Father Richard Rohr We all have different and varying opinions on the definition of success, but I think it’s say to say that we’d all agree that - Success in life is becoming what you want to be. The path you take ton get there is up to you, but the fact is - Nature is a major catalyst in helping us get there faster! Here’s how: Everything alive is either growing or dying. To be alive means to grow. When you stop growing, you die. In his classic personal growth book, “The Science of Getting Rich”, author Wallace Wattles offers this universal wisdom – “The purpose of nature is the advancement and development of life… Every living thing must continually seek for the enlargement of its life because life – in the mere act of living – must increase itself...There are three motives for which we live: we live for the body, the mind and the soul.” As we immerse ourselves in the restorative, energizing qualities of Nature we begin to nurture and grow

  • MZD - Ep 48 Accomplishing More By Doing Less

    05/03/2018 Duration: 14min

    “Productivity is less about what you do with your time.  And more about how you run your mind.” ~ Robin S. Sharma Here at Mountain Zen Den it’s not just about spending time in nature for the sake of being more mindful, or even about being mindful for it’s own sake. We’re here to help you create and design a lifestyle, a way of living and of Being that brings you the life you’ve always wanted, one day at a time.  It’s about finding joy and simplicity in the simple things, and slowing down enough to appreciate and nurture the love and tranquility that living a more mindful life brings. What is the one thing above all else that you know has to get done today? In today's show, we show you how to accomplish more by doing less. Glad you're here!  Come on in...

  • MZD - Ep 47 Getting Unstuck

    28/02/2018 Duration: 14min

    “You must learn a new way to think before you can master a new way to be.” ~ Marianne Williamson “Perhaps the Earth can teach us, as when everything seems dead and later proves to be alive.” ~ Pablo Neruda Do you ever feel stuck? Like a rodent caught in the rat race or the proverbial hamster wheel? We all get stuck from time to time and need a little shaking up to get out of the rut. We sometimes need a blast of fresh wind to clear the leaves and debris out of our yard, and to cleanse the impurities and stagnant air out of the atmosphere of our minds, so to speak. For today's show, we offer a short list of things you might try to help yourself get unstuck and move and grow more intentionally. Glad you're here!  Come on in...  

  • MZD - Ep 46 Releasing Stress

    21/02/2018 Duration: 12min

    Ever find yourself feeling stressed and anxious and not even really knowing why? You know that feeling that your mind is racing back and forth just trying to find something to worry about?  I know there are plenty of things, real problems and issues that cause stress, but at the same time, there is this constant hum or buzz of anxiety that just continues like static in the background of our minds, no matter how good or bad things are going currently in our lives. As a form of self-preservation, the human mind is conditioned to remain alert and look for dangers and problems. This is how we survived since time began.  But in today’s world, other than crossing traffic or watching out for the other driver, there are way less life-threatening situations to cause a hyper-state of constant alertness and adrenaline release.  Yet, we very seldom give ourselves a break.  So many of us are dragging ourselves around in an exhausted stressed-out state of anxiety, worry and even panic - most of it totally uncalled for. The

  • MZD - Ep 45 The Mindfulness Minute

    19/02/2018 Duration: 13min

    “Mindfulness isn’t difficult, we just need to remember to do it. ~ Sharon Salzberg Every sunrise is an opportunity to show up for your own life.  Every sunset does the same.  All the moments in between these two events are opportunities to just open up and enjoy the wonders of the world, and this miracle we call life.  If we don’t respond by showing up mentally and emotionally, it’s like watching a beautiful and sometimes scary and riveting movie, filled with action-packed scenes as well as tender and inspiring moments, and then either falling asleep, or being bored to death. Life is short.  That's why it is so important to practice presence throughout the day in little chunks of time - "Mindfulness Minutes". A great time to practice a mindfulness minute is during the transition points in your day.  When you wake up, when you are eating breakfast, when you get in the car, just stop for one moment as you put the keys in the ignition and be present.  When you sit down at your desk, when you break for lunch…yo

  • MZD - Ep 44 Seeking Simplicity

    15/02/2018 Duration: 14min

    There is something so wholesome and alluring about seeking the simplicity found in Nature, and escaping the craziness and cacophony of the man-made, synthetic world. Simplicity comes in many forms, but every one of these forms involves one thing – “Presence”. When there is worry and clutter and unresolved details in your inner and outer world, it’s easy to begin to lose a sense of presence, and be tempted to either, fall back into the past, filled with a sense of guilt, loss and regret.  Or, we tend to jump ahead into the future, surrounded by fear, anxiety and wistfulness –a longing for what is not yet here.  Both directions steal your joy by taking you away from the moment, and placing you where you can never be. When Thoreau went to the woods to live simply, he confirmed the truth that every one of us have all that we need to live and to be happy in what has been provided by the Creator of the Universe.  By returning to nature and the wild, his heart’s desire was to return to simplicity and true happines

  • MZD - Ep 43 Tapping Into Nature for Personal Energy

    12/02/2018 Duration: 14min

    “Where focus goes, energy flows.” ~ Tony Robbins Do you sometimes feel overwhelmed, overloaded with more than you can possibly handle or accomplish, and weighted down by a lack of motivation or energy to get it all done? Are you struggling with falling asleep at night and waking up in the morning? Do you wish you had more energy, just to enjoy life and be there, fully present for your family and friends and loved ones? We’re all aware that Nature provides us with the resources we need to generate energy for running our homes and places of work, our automobiles, machines and technology. We rely on things like – Coal, Wood, Petroleum, Wind, Solar, Water for heating and sources of power. But how often do we think of turning to Nature for energy and renewal in our personal lives? The good news is that Nature has an answer for every one of our energy problems and for giving us the get-up-and-go we crave and need in our lives. Join us for today's show to find out how!

  • MZD - Episode 42 Finding Your Way By Getting Lost

    08/02/2018 Duration: 11min

    "Not all who wander are lost..." ~ Gandalf Do you ever feel like you’re caught on a merry-go-round, seeing the same old places, taking the same route to school or work, eating the same food, watching the same shows, thinking the same thoughts…rarely finding the element of joy or surprise in your life? There’s a saying that true happiness is when you can be on a detour and enjoy the scenery. In a world that is constantly accelerating faster and faster, we need to heed the call to learn of the Art of Slowing Down, and find the goodness and benefits that Nature has, just waiting for us to discover, partake in and enjoy.   When was the last time you got lost in the woods? When was the last time you took the long way home? Stopped and watched a butterfly? Listened to the rain patter on the tree leaves or windows? Paid attention the the way the wind felt blowing through your hair? We need a wake up call to get back off-track and into the wild again, where we belong. Join us for today's show as we get lost in the be

  • MZD - Episode 41 A Nature Awakening

    02/02/2018 Duration: 13min

    From time out of mind, we as human beings were a part of the natural world, living off the land, connecting with nature on a day-to-day basis, sometimes fighting against it for survival, but always depending on it for sustenance.  Without it we wouldn’t have been able to survive. And neither can we now. We just don’t realize it.  That’s because we have fallen asleep. Over the past few hundred years or so, as the Industrial Revolution rolled in, we slowly migrated farther and farther away from our beloved Mother Earth, and began relying more and more on technology for making a living and making a life. We lost the art of reading the land, listening to the rhythms of nature and basking in the beauty and benefits of the natural world. We forfeited the native wisdom that comes from being an indigenous people, and have begun relying solely on technology instead of terra firma. Falling asleep to the hum of radios, ringtones, and robots, we’ve cast away the beautiful whir of the wild and our true inner being. As a r

  • MZD - Episode 40 Practicing Presence

    31/01/2018 Duration: 10min

    Meditation has hit the mainstream big time as a primary way to deal with all the pressures, stress and anxiety that comes with life. It is also a great tool for achieving and enhancing relaxation, focus and even productivity. It helps optimize the brain and gives it a state of restful alertness.  But I believe the best thing about meditation is it’s ability to help us be present and in the moment.  How often have you gone through your day and at the end of it can barely recall what you did, who you were with or what happened that day?  Life goes by so fast and before you know it, if you aren’t paying attention to all the moments that make up life you’ve missed it!  I’m reminded of Kenny Chesney’s song “Don’t Blink”, where he says, “Don’t blink, just like that you’re six years old and you take a nap, and you wake up and you’re twenty five…trust me friend, a hundred years goes faster than you think, so don’t blink…”  We’ve all been given the same 24 hours a day, but the practice of presence not only helps us be

  • MZD - Ep 39 Can Nature Make Us Smarter?

    30/01/2018 Duration: 11min

    There have been so many recent findings and much scientific research on the topic of nature and our overall health and well-being.  Scientists are studying everything from how noise levels in our workplace and communities affect us, to what colors are the most effective psychologically for calming our spirits, and creating a sense of wellness in our lives. There have also been studies on the benefits of forest bathing – how trees affect our health, lower our blood pressure and cortisol levels, and help reduce stress. So we shouldn't be surprised by the findings that Nature is definitely good for our health, emotions and mental state, and that it can now be backed up by scientific evidence.  But what is really intriguing, is the new research that is proving that exposure to the living world, and being in the outdoors can actually make us smarter.  It's been proven that we have greater mental acuity after taking a Nature walk. Probably the best reason you can give for why Nature can make us smart is because Nat

  • MZD - Ep 38 High Mountain Lake Meditation

    26/01/2018 Duration: 11min

    “Nature is not a place to visit. It is home.” ~ Gary Snyder There is a place you can always go deep inside your heart and mind.  A beautiful place you are cultivating deep within your being.  And the more time you spend there putting in good thoughts and gratitude and images of nature and health and well-being, the more beautiful and helpful this inner retreat center becomes. Like a beautiful, tranquil garden that is daily tended with love and purpose, you will find that in your times of stress and difficulty you will have a beautiful place to retreat to. There is nothing more important that you can be doing than taking care of yourself.  If you are not in a good place yourself, then neither you can you be helpful or there for anybody else – not your children, your spouse, your friends and neighbors, coworkers, church or community – you are helpless until you get yourself grounded and healthy. Just like the oxygen mask they tell you to put on yourself first in case of emergency when flying, you have got to ta

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